Avia B-135
19 22 July 2014, 06:21

You have a build style that I like - and your choice of subjects make for a refreshing change too - again ... Well done.
22 July 2014, 07:21

tyvole! a to jsi kdy tohle stavel, to si vubec nepamatuju ze bych na MF videl.. pecka!
22 July 2014, 09:19

Hi David, very nice build of this rare model. I built once the old kit from KP but the RS Kit looks very much better.
22 July 2014, 09:39

Helo Mike, this is quite old kit (older than 2014 when I added it), therefore I don't remember exactly. Most likely I used in that time Gunze Flat, but what I remember clearly their flat varnish is ultimately flat and I didn't like it mutch. Currently I'm a big fan of Microscale Coats. For final layer I mix Micro Satin and Flat..70/30 ratio.
20 April 2021, 12:44

Fantastic model! Great job! I love realistic weathering and clean finish.
20 April 2021, 20:54

@David Henyk: thanks for the reply, I'd forgotten all about the Microscale finishes 👍
25 April 2021, 13:37