FW 56 Stosser
27 November 2014, 21:02

very nice Rob ! Finally some pic's😄
Last 1 looks like a proud grandpa 👍
27 November 2014, 21:41

Thanks Arne took me a long time to figure it out how to post the pictures It took two mates a long time to explain it to me ( I guess it it must be my age) and yes I am proud grandpa he is building his own plane(ar 234) and he was asking me if he could paint it. Well at least I can assure you it is the strangest colour scheme the worls has ever seen but he is proud of it and that is wahat matters
27 November 2014, 21:50

👍 Looks great Rob, never knew the Dutch flew the Stosser. How was the kit?
27 November 2014, 23:08

Thanks guys,
Mike the Dutch only used one after the war it was captured and used first by a dentist and then it was used for a short while by the Dutch airforce
28 November 2014, 06:35

Eindelijk je eerste foto,s Dat ziet er heel mooi uit Rob. Leuk verhaal achter dit model. 👍
Wordt wel nieuwsgierig naar je ander bouwsels. 🙂
28 November 2014, 07:57

Dank je Martien,
Erik and Mike it is the typical early limited run kit it is nt realy bad but need some extra attention
28 November 2014, 11:10