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Mike Grant (Migrant)

Airfix BAe Hawk 100


1 9 April 2015, 12:38
Holger Kranich
That looks way cool and F1 like!
 9 April 2015, 12:48
Ralf Schuster
Very clean and straight.... The right way to built this plane with this camo... and the display looks nice too... wonderful work... grats!😉
 9 April 2015, 12:58
Harry Eder
Looks really great! 👍
 9 April 2015, 13:14
very nice!! love the idea
 9 April 2015, 16:29
Tim van Dooremalen
Now that is cool! 🙂 👍
 9 April 2015, 17:04
Jack B
 9 April 2015, 17:20
Michel Huijghe
 9 April 2015, 17:42
Christian Ristits
Uiii..what a great idea and a clean build! Spectacular!
 9 April 2015, 19:06
Erik Leijdens
Cool! 😄 Very nice work Mike 👍
 9 April 2015, 19:14
Gordon Sørensen
Looks great Mike. Looks like it belongs at the Reno Air Races!
 9 April 2015, 20:16
Martien Lourens
Cool . Nice work. Something different 👍
 10 April 2015, 07:03
Ivan Kuryakov
Looks as real plane ))) Great work and photos!
 10 April 2015, 07:06
soheil moghisi
very nice.
 10 April 2015, 07:30
Holger Kranich
@ Guido: Yep, ist Frank on the backseat!😢
 10 April 2015, 07:34
That is really cool !
 10 April 2015, 08:42
Aghis Barberopoulos
Beautiful build and finish! Looks more like a race car, but still a most colourful addition to your display case!
 10 April 2015, 09:55
Burkhard D
Hmm, entering into a race with a gun pod, not exactly a level playing field, eh? 😄😎
 10 April 2015, 16:19
Bill Gilman
👍 👍 👍
 10 April 2015, 17:10
Mike Grant Författare
Thanks a lot, glad you like it 🙂
 10 April 2015, 17:29
Martyn Fox
Lovely finished Hawk,like the display method aswell.🙂
 10 April 2015, 21:58
Eugen P.
Very nice colors. Not often to see.
 10 April 2015, 22:14
Good job.
 12 April 2015, 18:37
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 12 April 2015, 18:39
Martijn Kuijpers
This is awesome, I really like your creative way to make a Wiliams fighter😉
 12 April 2015, 20:57
Clovis Bianchini
Very nice!
 12 April 2015, 21:57

Album info

This was a bit of light relief after a couple of 'challenging' builds 😉 A quick and easy build of the Airfix kit, out-of-box except for the home-made decals. The scheme is based on a profile from Claveworks Graphics - clavework-graphics.c..s/fantasy_FR017.html - although I changed the plane to the longer-nosed Hawk because I thought it looked more Formula 1.

4 bilder
1:72 BAe Systems Hawk (Airfix A03073)

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