D4Y2 Judy
26 April 2015, 10:46

Exactly just I like at the present, the Judy. I build in my own three Judys from AZ-Models - really hard work!
Your Judy is very well done. My respect.
26 April 2015, 20:51

Thank you Soeren, Ulf and Kerber! Got more good stuff on the way.
29 April 2015, 07:36

!!! 1/72 ! Woooo, that looks so much bigger, but it must be because it is so well done. Clean, neat and noticeable. 🙂
2 May 2015, 03:10

Hi Ken, oh yes Judy, Judy, Judy! A very nice Japanese girl. I like it. Very cleanly built. I am now building three Judys from AZ-Model in 1/72. A really hard work.
16 June 2015, 15:37