Dassault Mirage III CJ
15 June 2015, 14:50

Every one before me has taken the words right out of my mouth. !!Except for that little bit of "silvering" under the Mirage III decal, (Sorry 🙁 ) all I can say is keep the camera back a bit LOL 🙂 Flawless for the rest. 👍 👍 🙂
16 June 2015, 06:10

@Kerry, sharp eye! You are right, close up photos are unforgiving. I only noticed the silvering during processing the pictures.
Anyway, thanks everyone.
16 June 2015, 19:23

By the way, the yellow identification marks are decals too.
16 June 2015, 19:24

Rob, I do hope that you don't think that my comment was a criticism of your magnificent build, far from it.
It was unfair of me to even say it, please forgive my pettiness. 🙂
16 June 2015, 20:20

but it was true and constructive Kerry and if there is one hobby that is all about the details, it's this one 🙂
Does not take anything away from the model though, it remains an excellent build 😄
16 June 2015, 20:28

Thank you for your words of reassurance Choppa, and a good objective reply. 🙂 👍.
16 June 2015, 20:33

No problem Kerry. Choppa, you are absolutely right, thanks.
16 June 2015, 20:35
Album info
Kit: Hobby Boss 80316
Scale: 1/48
Scheme: Standard Israeli three-color scheme
Number: 159
Base: Hatzor Air Base
Squadron: 101 Tayeset "Hakrav Ha'Rishona"
Date: 1974
History: The 159 went through several physical incarnations over time. In this way, it appeared after the one year-long repair, in 1974. Along with aircraft No. 58, this Shahak claimed the greatest number of kills, a total of 13. It was in this aircraft, at the time numbered '59', that Yoram Agmon shot down a Syrian MiG-21 on July 14th, 1966, the first kill achieved on the type. The last kill was made by Eitan Karmi, shooting down an EAF AS-5 „Kelt" on 6 October 1973.