Pod Racer
2 7 July 2015, 12:31

Another great idea! 👍 I´m in!!
You have a lot of emty printer cartridges to use 😉
7 July 2015, 14:04

Thank you! I'm on the way Guido😉 Harry, bei zwei Tintenspuckies kommt was zusammen😉
7 July 2015, 16:07

FETT !!!! Das wird ne ganz g**le Kiste ! Det kiek ick mir aba an ! 🙂 schöne Rat Rod Optik !
7 July 2015, 18:06

The engines are ready for 95%. Dirt/dust comes off if I know exactly what that thing will fly. Think it runs out on the desert. Now follows the pilot and the attachment of the gondola on the engines
10 July 2015, 05:07

Wow! Looks really great Jonns. I like the colors too. This was the time before energy coupling became a standard.
10 July 2015, 05:16

Correctly! This is the archetype of Podracers. Still very screwdrivers way😉
10 July 2015, 05:27

So, a little update! I have not quite made lately so much, made me mainly thinking about the base. The picture frames in the background was me then too big, so I cut me a long piece of plywood together. The cables are only inserted loosely, to test and the elevators are also tuned.
And I still have the drive unit dusted a bissi, is supposed to fly over a desert runway ... (comes in really better over)
15 July 2015, 15:05

thank you mates, Choppa, I can't keep up with Dieter's, but would almost fit! 👍
15 July 2015, 16:25

hard to belive those were printer cartridges before... simply stunning 👍
15 July 2015, 16:44

Looks great Jonns, but you should rethink your attachment of the traction cables, because the current location will create a hefty pitch moment. 🙂
15 July 2015, 17:22

good point Dieter, ostensibly one could put the traction cables at the top rear arms that way the lever moment of the weight would be offset thrust induced pitching moment, plus they look like a natural attaching point 🙂
Or CG center works too 🙂
15 July 2015, 17:39

...... it would have to be a correlated repulsor like pitch and throttle in a heli😉
15 July 2015, 18:04

Thank you mates for your comments! You're right Dieter, I have already pondered. The wings are movable and the cables get forward a connection to the former car axle. The whole is then anyway a bungee cord😉 Irgendwas muss ich mir dann noch einfallen lassen... Aber erstmal der Pilot und die Base...
15 July 2015, 18:07

I'm curious about it. BTW, is there a BBQ tomorrow at THE STUDIO BAIER?
15 July 2015, 18:22

Thx Kerry! Dieter, dachte am 25. wäre das grillen. Ist glaube ich Samstags. Ja, am 25.!
15 July 2015, 18:50

Wenn der Pilot endlich mal aus der Bar rauskommt! Die Triebwerke glühen schon... aber das Alderaanische Ale hält ihn noch zurück... 😭
15 July 2015, 20:27

Schön verkratzt und mit Juntland- Wüstenstaub bedeckt, enfach großartig !
16 July 2015, 06:52

........ May the Forceps Be With you !! 😄
( Forceps, posh word for tweezers😉 )
I also like May The Farce Be With You too😉
16 July 2015, 15:57

Star Wars?! never heard! I have now redirected the cable. Now it comes forward from the gondola straight out. Hope it looks a bit better 🙂 Now comes the fine-tuning...
16 July 2015, 20:53

haha, funny 🙂
I reckon that's the aircraft certified and approved for flight..........
16 July 2015, 21:04

Mensch Jonns, this looks like Chuck Wojtkiewicz from Blur Studios. Great.
17 July 2015, 13:20

Ich denke, das wird sich nur mit einem Testflug klären lassen. Freiwillge vor!
17 July 2015, 14:44

"A brilliant mind" springs into my head every time I see more work by Jonns posted here.
It's never boring, that's for sure.🙂
Stunning !. 🙂 👍.
17 July 2015, 21:08

Thx Kerry! Some perspective tests with the base. Some colors to add, then finished...
27 July 2015, 18:51

Thx! Not any longer the sand people are flat, Bernhard😉
27 July 2015, 20:17

I forgot that I had made a couple of pictures last december...
25 February 2016, 11:26

Nice ! 🙂
I really like this dio 🙂
nicely hidden support stands too😉 😄
25 February 2016, 12:48
Album info
In a galaxy a long time ago far away