Photo 1 of 45
15 23 October 2015, 08:07

Very cool subject! count me in for the rest of the build.....
23 October 2015, 08:17

How wonderful to see.🙂
Your detailing is excellent and it's sad that so much of it will be hidden away.🙁
Just wonderful work. 👍 🙂
23 October 2015, 08:20

thank you guys. Although the kit is a challenge, its a fun project and really enjoying it. I've noted a few mistakes on my part, but as its a group build and I want to finish in time I'm not going to let those things bother me too much. I know what you mean Kerry, but I quite enjoy detailing cockpits / interiors (one of the reasons I enjoy helicopter kits as theres lots of cabin space 😄 ) The canopy is quite large and the side windows are quite big too and will be left open so some of the detail on the seats and IP should be visible. Thanks for the comments.
23 October 2015, 08:43

To know the sides will be opened up makes me happy, as your work is quite inspiring mate. 🙂 👍
23 October 2015, 09:54

Excellent work on the interior of this funny ancient little fly !
23 October 2015, 11:28

Cool subject Milk! I very much like this weird chopper. Close to were I work there's a car parts dealer who has one as a gate guard, pity they have painted it in a very ugly livery:
Is a ex US Navy and Aeronavale machine c/n 253 and BuNo 130076
Anyway, I'm in 👍
23 October 2015, 12:19

if you need more detail, ask me, I restore it at Ailes Ancienne Le Bourget before exibition and i take some picture
28 October 2015, 16:39

thanks very much guys. Thats a cool gate guard Erik, just a shame about the livery 🙂
I wish I knew earlier Julien. Thanks very much, a great and kind offer. If you have any photos of the rotor heads that would be really helpful 🙂
28 October 2015, 17:12

thanks Ekki & Dave. Thats excellent Julien, just what I need. Thanks a lot
29 October 2015, 07:05

Thank you Pierre.
Further surface detail added and some Archer resin rivets followed by a last coat of primer. The rivets are not a representation of the real thing, just some artistic licence to add some interest to the model. cheers
30 October 2015, 17:00

It's great that your build this unique chopper. Looks good and I like your philosophy (rivets: 2x2=4,5) 🙂
30 October 2015, 19:48

Thanks very much Bernhard. I thoroughly enjoy reading your updates, very inspirational work you do Bernhard.
emerald and yellow chromate paint applied, then chipping fluid followed by the blue. Then I went chipping. First time I've done this. Can't really see the chipping in the photos though.
3 November 2015, 15:43

Decals on. Don't think there was enough gloss varnish as I think the microsol re-activated the chipping solution (see pic). Some careful masking and a re-spray should resolve that. Cheers
6 November 2015, 18:31

What a treasure Milko'. 🙂
You may have started a rush for unusual kits mate. 👍
Great results. 🙂 👍
6 November 2015, 21:33

Seeing this, I think I will never start the one I've got in my stash. It would only be a poor reflection of the one you are building at the moment.
6 November 2015, 23:02

Your rotor heads looks great and "complicated". Could you post the same pics in a higher resolution?
8 December 2015, 16:03

Thanks Bernhard. The photos are taken with my iPhone. its easier and quicker for me. When I finish a kit (usually takes a long time!!!) I set up my photo booth and use a better camera. I can try and take some better photos of the rotor heads with my other camera.
8 December 2015, 16:42

Thank you all for the positive comments. Much appreciated. Happy New year and all the best for 2016 (Lang may yer lum reek )
1 January 2016, 13:07