Tamiya F-84G Thunderjet in scale

Thanks Guido. I would like someday to work on a weathered NMF jet for a change. Have not had the opportunity

Very nice aluminum color bar variation. That's a very nice looking model! Looking forward to my build.
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I could not remember the last time I made a Tamiya model that was fuss-free and painless to build. Aside from the A-10 that needed a ton of scratch-building, it may have been ages ago.
One of my passion is building jet aircraft that flew during the Korean war: the F-80, F-84, and F-86. This F-84G Thunderjet happens to be a sheer pleasure to build. Manufactured by Tamiya, the fitting, the quality of the details are just spectacular! Its a shame though, but I bought it almost five years ago. I never had the time nor the 'priority' to build it - until I moved to Surabaya.
I think the biggest challenge that came out of this kit was the decals. They are colorful, but not the easiest to apply - sliding big chunks of decal is no easy task. To make things worse, the decals and box had been sitting in my humid closet for years. Either they disintegrated or they just won't come off the paper backing.