tiger 2 ( i am a begginer tips please )
5 January 2016, 21:08

hi, greetings from Colombia, i see your Tiger and only tell you a little tips:
1. if you put mud in the chain of the tank, don´t forget put dust and rust in the links of the chain, the same thing in the undercarriage, that you will get a good look of your car.
2. the cable generally was paint in copper an silver color, principally sparks of silver on cupper.
3. i don´t see good the hole in the cannon, if do you can made it, do it! the appearance will better.
4. the photo it´s very close, it does not allow see most details.
Continue build scale models, don´t worry for the first results, nobody was born with the knowledge, all the modellers started any time, if i show you my first model...i tell you, your car it´s a very good work in front of my first model, don´t discouraged, continue!
6 January 2016, 00:03

Welcome aboard ! A good start here - and quite typical of most first timers. It looks like a nice clean build but the weathering and mud effect looks a little overt and heavy handed, and it needs some colour variation - different shades, some dry look, some wet, etc. The tracks should be painted "generally" in a dark earthy tone with steel highlights. A little rust on tracks is ok, but it's easily overdone - even builders of great repute still fall into that trap! The MG ball mount in the front should be steel/gun metal and maybe with a black wash. The crevices and such in the tank details could also do with a dark "wash". There are plenty of tutorials on this and other methods such as pinwashes, filters, preshading and oil washes. Periscope glass is usually greenish due to the iron oxide in the very thick glass. (Although from some views it could be argued that it appears clear or opaque. Green is usually a good way to go. You can buy clear green in the "car model" paint section. Or do what I do and use green photographic lighting filters. A 20 x 30" sheet will quite literally last a lifetime! Use this site and others to "brush up" ( 😄 ) on various techniques. Remember things like stainless steel and weld beads don't rust very much unless the metal is low quality. Lastly, when applying camo try and think how someone 1/35 your size would brush or spray it on. If you are not comfortable doing camo schemes do early war overall grey or simply overall dark yellow, which was common late in the war when there was neither time nor the paint to do proper camo jobs. Overall an impressive result for a first try. Stick with it - check out some forums and youtube vids and keep on modellin' ! 😉
6 January 2016, 02:47

Hi ... , looks great for a Beginner Model. Maybe it helps you when you go to youtube channel, tipe in "Mig Jimenez" and there you will find lots of movies with technics how to weather models.
And... never give up, because we all were beginners once and i better would not show you my first models ...brrr 🙂 Greets from switzerland
6 January 2016, 05:59

Actually, you might find YouTube channel of Hamilkar Barkas more helpful, since it is in German, and has some basic tutorials on armour painting and weathering (look for the early videos)
Good luck, you're on the right track! 🙂
6 January 2016, 09:22

Thank you all it will iplement the next modell also il
Fashon a dirama from the d-day
Mfg: felix (germany)
12 January 2016, 14:38