My Art & Other Endeavours - Video links in the deion.
Photo 1 of 65
4 18 February 2016, 02:00

Hello fellow artist. I like it, what you show here. fascinating work. 👍
18 February 2016, 06:54

Yeah sorry Ben, I forget to include any sculpts or rc I've scratch built and guitar choons don't come over well as pictures either, sorry I did try to be reasonably complete 🙂
18 February 2016, 08:59

Wow, Choppa its really amazing! Love the artworks and that bed. Vikings/Northman style? 🙂
19 February 2016, 12:26

What a gift God has given you Choppa. 👍 🙂
I am sure that no matter what you do with your hands, the world is certainly going to take notice and reward you.
I am truly in awe.
🙂 👍
19 February 2016, 12:53

Thank you so much chaps, glad you like 🙂
Ingo I'm not sure of the bed style, I just had an idea and went with it,
Santa's "Party Sled"😉
22 February 2016, 02:50

Ha! I usually get a few minutes to browse. Back to seven days a week for work pretty soon as I am working on three different TV shows..: P
22 February 2016, 03:32

Well, I gotta say the idea appeals to me, I'm open to the possibility 😄
I guess we'll have to see which way the wind blows😉
23 February 2016, 02:55

Thanks guys, warms my heart to hear such things, perhaps I aint quite as shit as I thought I was 🙂
Ulf, you remember that time you asked me to marry you and I said no ?
Well, I'm reconsidering it 😄 haha 😄
Anyhow... lol
.... anyhow... you mean my "Alien Sex" guitars Glenn ?😉
The red button on the silver one is a fire button from an old arcade machine,
press to cut the sound, great with delays 🙂
I need to stick a switch in so I can flip it to press for on release for off .
23 February 2016, 16:49

haha, my fave moment was when the bass player got stuck in the pod and only got out at the end of the song when everyone else was going back in haha
well that and "Lick My Love Pump" and "No. 11" 😄
23 February 2016, 18:42

Anyhow, chucked up a few more photos of other stuff,
some nostalgic stuff too, a mixed bag of endeavours 😄
Also chucked up a handful of videos in the description,
just because you can't listen to pictures😉
23 February 2016, 18:43

All right, Choppa - there's only one important point to decide: who of us is going to wear white?
24 February 2016, 06:10

Haha !! 😄
I'll wear the white, you can wear the pink..... 😄 lol ! 😄 )))))
.... but now that I've sobered up again ...... 😄
24 February 2016, 13:52

Wow, you are a really multilateral person. I suppose boredom doesn't exist in your existence.
24 February 2016, 15:10

Thank you Kurt, glad you like 🙂
I should say there is a lot of stuff I am terrible at too, like dancing, I aint a good actor, my language skills fall far short of useful, my kung fu sucks, I even managed to kick myself down to the ground it's that bad....
but worst of all for me, I am a terrible singer, just awful, so bad it makes me cry, and everyone else too 🙂
24 February 2016, 16:01

You MUST learn to live with your faults son..................didn't your Mum tell you that. ? hehehe🙂 👍
24 February 2016, 20:00

haha, indeed Kurt, especially not I 😄
lol Kerry, my view is that faults are to be overcome, not accepted😉 😄 👍
but I accept I have faults to overcome though 🙂
24 February 2016, 20:28

haha, glad you like my little "Confusionism's" 😄
I tell you one thing I am really really good at and that's stating the bleeding obvious,
something I am truly gifted at haha 🙂
That and I can laugh at myself too, not really "skills" though one can demonstrate in ones gallery I suppose,
probably .....
mmm, perhaps I could do a "catalogue of errors" ? 😄
I could call it "Chopped Nuts"😉 😄
24 February 2016, 20:57

Humblest apologies sir, I'll try not to do it again 😄
Btw, thanks for the back handed compliment dude 🙂
Just added a few things, portrait, a tree bench and a trophy of a broken propeller when a friend of mine crashed a paramotor before he even took off...
Every crash you can walk away from is a good one I guess .... 😄
28 September 2020, 01:53
Album info
a collection of my illustrations, CG renderings, woodwork and other stuff too 🙂
Thought I might include a handful of videos here in the description.
A wee robot anim from years ago 🙂
Youtube Video

Some Spanish classical, though mostly I play Floyd these days..
Youtube Video
Youtube Video

Some of my RC flying "skills" which is more like a series of lucky moments 😄
Youtube Video
Youtube Video

Me having a fly in the real deal, a most awesome heli indeed
Youtube Video

and a couple of cheap spooffy short movies I was in and did some effects for..
Youtube Video
Youtube Video

Hope you like, or least laugh 🙂