Shiny Things SIG (COMPLETED)
March 27, 2016Box Art2
March 28, 2016Out of the box3
March 27, 2016Finland Air Racer4
March 28, 2016Main changes required5
April 3, 2016Those cannon"mounts" have to come off!6
April 3, 2016One side done7
April 3, 2016Plasticard to support the filler8
April 3, 2016Replacement pasticard panels9
April 3, 2016Ammo vents filled10
April 3, 2016Panels fitted and glued11
April 3, 2016Drying time...12
April 3, 2016The first lick of paint13
April 3, 2016Paint n filler14
April 3, 2016Prop & more filler15
April 4, 2016Lower central section with wing spars16
April 4, 2016A waft of primer reveals more work required!17
April 4, 2016Bulkheads, parachute & electrical console18
April 4, 2016Oil tank etc19
April 4, 2016Half painted seat20
April 4, 2016Engine is almost done21
April 4, 2016Started to drill out the exhausts with pilot holes22
April 7, 2016Work on the replacement panels23
April 7, 2016Not quite there yet...24
April 7, 2016Lower wings glued to the wing spars & central section25
April 7, 2016Upper wings going on. The Plasticard on the leading edges is to support the filler26
April 7, 2016KEEP STILL!27
April 7, 2016Fuselage interior28
April 11, 2016Wings & central section are joined & filled29
April 11, 2016After sanding30
April 11, 2016Fuselage ready to be joined to the wings31
April 11, 2016Joined32
April 11, 2016Fit issues #133
April 11, 2016Fit issues #234
April 11, 2016Fit issues #335
April 11, 2016Begin gluing36
April 11, 2016Glue has dried.. OH DEAR!37
April 11, 2016Arrrrr...38
April 17, 2016Birds eye view39
April 17, 2016Right side40
April 17, 2016Left view41
April 17, 2016Underneath view42
April 17, 2016Close-up of the major lip43
April 19, 2016Twisted!!!44
April 19, 2016Primer ready - Top View45
April 19, 2016Primer ready - Side View46
April 19, 2016Engine Top View47
April 19, 2016Engine Side View48
April 19, 2016Wheels are fininshed49
April 21, 2016GAP!50
April 21, 2016Giant Hole!51
April 21, 2016OMG!52
April 24, 2016Looking better in primer!53
April 24, 201654
April 24, 2016I still have those dam cowlings to sort55
May 12, 2016Plasticard inserts glued, then to be trimmed to shape56
May 12, 2016A final sanding & ready for primer57
May 14, 2016Final coat of primer58
May 14, 2016Final coat of primer #259
May 14, 2016Final coat of primer #360
May 15, 2016First, thin, coat of NMF61
May 15, 2016She still needs another coat62
May 22, 2016Cowling's before63
May 22, 2016Cowling's after64
May 22, 2016Right view65
May 22, 2016Left view66
May 22, 2016Top view67
May 22, 2016Full view68
May 24, 2016Five hours later...69
May 24, 2016And she is masked...70
May 24, 2016Ready for the final colour71
May 26, 2016Prop, canopies, cowlings' & pitot tube72
May 26, 2016Gloss blue applied73
May 26, 2016The masking comes off...74
May 26, 2016To reveal the colour scheme75
May 26, 201676
May 26, 201677
May 26, 2016Underneath78
May 26, 201679
May 26, 201680
May 26, 201681
June 1, 2016Disaster!82
June 1, 201683
June 20, 2016Kit decals are on84
June 20, 2016Home-made decals fresh of the printer!85
June 21, 2016Finland flag86
June 21, 2016Pilots name87
June 21, 2016Aircraft registration88
June 28, 201689
June 28, 201690
June 28, 201691
June 28, 201692
June 28, 201693
June 28, 201694
June 28, 201695
June 28, 201696
June 28, 201697
June 28, 201698
June 28, 201699
June 28, 2016100
June 28, 2016101
June 28, 2016102
June 28, 2016103
June 28, 2016104
June 28, 2016105
June 28, 2016106
June 28, 2016107
June 28, 2016108
June 28, 2016109
June 28, 2016110
June 28, 2016111
June 28, 2016112
June 28, 2016113
June 28, 2016
Album info
Conversion of a military Spitfire to a civilian air racer with authentic Finland registration