KV 2
Photo 1 of 4
17 May 2016, 20:33

hi, what are those 'X' marks on the model body ? Is that some sort of camo ?
Also is this Tamiya or Hobby Boss KV ? i'm curious to see how this model will look at the end : )
18 May 2016, 04:59

he cortex thanks for the reply , those x marks you saw are indeed part of a camo that one Russian bataljon used in ww2. You can look it up, i initially got the idea fron World of Tanks where they have this camo. and no this kit is a Trumpeter kit.
19 May 2016, 20:33

Thanks for the information! never saw this kind of x marks camo .. very interesting I will look it up for sure. Please add pics when you make progress on the model.
20 May 2016, 05:40

Concerning the project, the FAQ explains it fairly well, check "project management": Scalemates FAQ
20 May 2016, 10:14

yeah i know i had to do it on my phone which didnt really work
22 May 2016, 12:40
Album info
I failed to create a project so i did it like this. This is my kv 2, i started a few weeks ago after being inactive in scalemoddeling for quite some time. I hope you. guys like this work in progress and give me some tips