Flying Flea
2 10 June 2016, 22:44

haha that is ridiculous !!
but very cute indeed and so god damned tiny !! 🙂
the early versions were quite dangerous to fly as the front wing was tilted to control pitch and too much up elevator created a spoiler effect over the rear wing created excess lift resulting in it pitching nose down, the faster it went the worse it, next to impossible to recover from, later versions had regular controls surfaces.
Anyhow Mike, I see you're giving Mr Bruer a run for his money with this😉
10 June 2016, 22:54

No Julian, what's hard to find is the super size Tamiya paint bottle and finger.😢 An absolutely amazing job Mike.👍
11 June 2016, 05:54

Hi Mike, that's just incredible, model architecture of the finest art.
Incredible 👍 👍 👍
11 June 2016, 06:42

Where do you get a 10 Liter Tamiya bottle?😉
What a nice and tiny model, something really different 👍
11 June 2016, 12:30

Thanks a lot guys 🙂 It looks a bit crude blown up so big but at actual size you can barely see it at all...
@Forestfan I used Uschi van der Rosten fine rigging thread.
12 June 2016, 15:35

Don't worry, it does not look crude!
Great job with this tiny fly 👍
12 June 2016, 16:15
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Brengun resin kit.