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Achim Ribbe (Nornagest)


Photo 1 of 27


6 July 2016, 10:40
Michael Hickey
What great workmanship and high class quality photos.👍 The zimmerit looks awesome.🙂
 6 July 2016, 11:57
Urban Gardini
Is it ATAK's zimmerit? The kit itself, is that AFV Club? Looking great!
 6 July 2016, 14:04
Achim Ribbe Författare
Hi..thanks for your comments. At Gardini yes and yes
 6 July 2016, 16:13
Bryn Crandell
Oh wow! Quite nice. What did you use for the cables?
 6 July 2016, 16:36
looking great, a bit more upgrades and there will be nothing less plastic than resin and metal😉 looking forward final result.
 6 July 2016, 17:12
Achim Ribbe Författare
So the pain(t)job is doneand the camouflage is done. I used Tamiya Colors. A grey Filtering to homogen the 3 color camo. Then pin paint and done the used look. After all I used pigments from MIG.
 31 July 2016, 13:03
simply fantastic. those last pictures, simply look... real.
 31 July 2016, 21:11
Achim Ribbe Författare
Thanks guys for your nice comments
 2 August 2016, 17:40
Looks very well!
 3 August 2016, 16:56
Scott Dutton
Those close ups are just amazing, your detail is fabulous. May I ask what your camera set up is?
 7 August 2016, 09:52
Achim Ribbe Författare
Hi Scott .. its not a trick, its a Sony. And I put it on fixed f-number 8. So the time was around 1/400. But I am not really lucky with the camera. The sharpness at close ups is not good in my eyes.
 8 August 2016, 07:40
Scott Dutton
Well I'm impressed, well done
 11 August 2016, 13:25

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Wittmans 205 Tiger on its way to Caen

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