Building a OIF M1A1 Abrams
9 July 2016, 22:36

Thanks Holger. I use a combination of enamel paints and also MIG pigments for the weathering
8 August 2016, 14:33

Hey Danumurthi, superb Abrams!! 👍
What are those grey "plates" on the model?
8 August 2016, 15:38

thank you all! much appreciate the support. yes. the "plates" are CIP identification plates. the kit didn't have one and I wanted to show an OIF armour so I got busy making it.
9 August 2016, 04:42

if you are interested, the complete WIP gallery is here
9 August 2016, 04:43

link might not work, sorry. in any case try this alternate one:
9 August 2016, 07:27
Album info
Let see if i can make some additions to the kit and make it more interesting