Tamiya Do 335A
1 12 November 2016, 08:35

Blasphemy, there is one rivet too less! LOL😎
Looks great to me, gorby! And to honest, the coloures dont look wrong to me. And your pit is quite cool! 👍
12 November 2016, 08:45

Thanks Holger and Soren. Means a lot coming from modellers as good as yourselves.
12 November 2016, 14:23

Thanks Erik and Gerald.
Playtime: It was on my desk for about eleven weeks, so it's probably dust – not easy to get the feather duster in there. We also have a blond puppy charging around the house who's tiny white hairs get everywhere. I know that it may come as a bit of a shock to you proper modellers, but I don't do Future (or whatever it's called in the UK). I did consider using it, but it might look like I was taking it all a little to seriously - then I might have to 'up my game'.
12 November 2016, 16:14

I have the small dog issue too 😄 The cat died a few years ago but her fine hair was even worse. Even keeping stuff covered seems to do no good against that.
12 November 2016, 19:12

Very kind of you. Thanks for your encouragement Stephan, Ulf & Wilky.
14 November 2016, 15:25

Very nice! I love the cockpit! You don't see this Dornier a lot in modeling! thumbs up 😉
14 November 2016, 17:26

Thanks Paulo. Thanks Wesley. Even as a kid, I've always been fascinated with Luftwaffe aircraft, partly because they were so advanced for the era. That made the Do 335 a 'must do', as it stands out even amongst all the other remarkable aircraft.
15 November 2016, 07:23

Great job!! I have this to build someday and I'll use yours for reference. Gary
15 November 2016, 16:25

Thanks Gary, but I think you will find there are plenty of Do 335 on here that put mine in the shade.
15 November 2016, 16:27

Steady on there Arash, I think you may be delusional.
But thanks for the comment.
17 November 2016, 16:38

Nice work. Get some more pics of your models on, they will be good if anything like at that standard.
17 November 2016, 18:48

Thank you very much Sheetz, Enrico and Arne. I'm quite overwhelmed buy some of the comments I have received – I thought I might get a couple of 'thumbs up', but not all this, so thanks again to everyone. (If I knew how to do a 'smiley face' emoji it would be here, so just use your imagination).
Sheetz – welcome to Scalemates. Eventually I will put more on here, particularly after the completely unexpected reaction I have had with this one, but modelling is just one of several hobbies and my wife just keeps adding to my DIY 'to do list'. One day I'll get the time.
18 November 2016, 10:19

splendid work... make me want to start on mine... though I still have to finish some other builds too... I hope to get it as good as yours..
18 November 2016, 10:33

Hah. I know that feeling. I've resisted the HK and the ZM offerings cos they will cost 500EUR+ to finish to their best. My stash has everything I need to build the 4 normal versions (A, B, Trainer, NightFigther) of the Pfeil except the high-altitude fighter in 1/48 so I'm committed. I've made the West Wings rubber-powered balsa/tissue version too - that's 1/24!
18 November 2016, 11:27

Altough this subject is really interesting, I'm not a fan of overengineered kits such as HK or ZM...
18 November 2016, 12:38

Actually, I would say they were UNDER engineered. More so the Zoukei Mura offerings. I would expect every bit of resin and PE that was necessary for a build from a kit retailing for the prices they do e.g. the HK is approx 350 but you can easily drop 200 more on PE. Should be in the stock kit IMHO.
18 November 2016, 13:32

C'est un très joli montage fait avec manifestement beaucoup de soin, bravo. Par contre je suis étonné par le choix des couleur (mais peut-être est ce du à l'éclairage) les surfaces supérieures semblent recouvertes par du RLM 02 et du RLM 71. Cela correspond à un camouflage de chasseur de début de conflit. Les références donnent plutôt un camouflage en RLM 80/RLM 81 pour cette période.
18 November 2016, 13:56

Et Pierre est correct😉 But this plane is largely the subject of so many what-if's it's actually good to see it a bit different.
18 November 2016, 15:00

Yes playtime you are right. And many souces said that at the end of the conflict the german taked the paints they found... The real plane at the very end looks like puzzle (patchwork?)...(sorry for my bad English).
18 November 2016, 15:31

Hi Jean Pierre. J'ai trawled l'Internet pour voir s'il y avait quelque chose de plus intéressant que camouflage éclats, comme Playtime disait, le Do 335 est un peu LUFT'46. Ce que j'ai trouvé, c'est que, en fait, il préférait en splinter camo, mais j'ai vu la construction de quelqu'un d'autre avec les couleurs plus claires et j'ai pensé qu'il avait l'air bien. Donc, vous avez presque certainement raison sur les couleurs que j'aurais dû utiliser, mais j'ai décidé «mon modèle, mes règles». J'espère que cela a du sens, si ce n'est pas le blâme Google Translate (et mon manque d'éducation).
Hi Jean Pierre. I trawled the internet to see if there was anything more interesting than splinter camouflage, as Playtime was saying, the Do 335 is a bit LUFT'46. What I found was that actually preferred it in splinter camo, but I saw someone else's build with the lighter colours and I thought it looked good. So you are almost certainly correct about the colours I should have used, but I decided 'my model, my rules'.
18 November 2016, 17:41

Your too modest about your obvious talent 🙂 I've just ordered this kit with the tow truck!
18 November 2016, 20:42

Thanks again Dave. It is a beautifully engineered kit - as far as 'fit' is concerned, the only problem I had was the wing roots, which both had a small gap. Easy to rectify, but odd considering the quality of the rest of the kit. It would also have been nice to have a coloured Eduard etch available.
19 November 2016, 10:40

@gorbygould: Your model is a very beautiful model even with these colors. And nobody can say with "certitude" witch colors were used by the germans (some source said RLM70/71 others 80/81). In my research (i have two DO 335 one like yours and a biplace) i dont found any plane (real) without splinter camouflage at the exception of captured Aircraft. But i found some biplace with some panel without paint. i live near the Lyon-Bron Airport and some of these birds where tested by the french army at the end of the war. Thanks for this build.
19 November 2016, 17:37

Thanks Jean Pierre, and Jens. I'm not really into 'historical accuracy' - Sorry to shock you, but I would happily have painted it pink if I thought it would look good (Starting to wonder what pink splinter camo would look like now).
19 November 2016, 18:06

The germans used that kind of color during the wwI. The "historical accuracy" is pursuing you 😄
20 November 2016, 12:02

pfffff.... I wished I could paint like you do 🙁 really impressive !
20 November 2016, 13:05

Your right Jean Pierre! I forgot about pink being used as camo in WWI. Since I made my rash statement I have also discovered that there was a 'desert pink camouflage'.
To amuse myself I did do a quick photo edit to see what a Do 335 would look like in pink splinter camouflage – it looks a complete atrocity, as you can probably imagine. It would have been what Barbie would have flown if she was in the Luftwaffe. Gave me a giggle anyway (I think I might have too much time on my hands).
Thanks Jean, nice of you to say so.
20 November 2016, 14:22

@Eugen P. Yes pink(s) (on they fabrics patern) the purple was a paint for camouflage. To gorbygould: The barbie Dornier must be a great decoration 😉
21 November 2016, 19:50

@Jean Pierre: Thats right. I meant the camouflage like on the metal of my D.I modellversium.de/gal..unkers-di-roden.html
22 November 2016, 15:21

Very nice what -if splinter scheme. The lighter colours look very good. Makes me want to start one of mine!
22 November 2016, 16:49

Nice building and paint job ! Your splinter camo is just great, very realistic. reminds me the one I have just completed on a ju-88.
Bravo !
22 November 2016, 17:03

excelent build and enjoy taking the "artistic license" and using your own colors 🙂
i think everybody want to see that pink Dornier rendering now....😉
24 November 2016, 18:45

I wondered if anyone would ask to see Barbie's ride – I've added a photo to the album for you Spanjaard. Just in time for Christmas, Mattel's new range of Barbie's Third Reich accessories...
25 November 2016, 15:23

I remember a reference in a British comic to a 'My Little Pony Glue Factory'.... sounds similar 😄
25 November 2016, 15:31

German secret weapon, it would have scared any pilot in Europe..... Specially those who were supposed to fly it 😛
25 November 2016, 17:02

At the end of the war, there were few male pilots who were able to get scared on German side 😉
25 November 2016, 17:12

Might have to be next Christmas Jean as yours seems to be the only order – can't understand why? Maybe a pink Tiger tank might be more popular?
Thanks Neil.
27 November 2016, 10:06

Maybe i'll try that! Barbie's Tiger I, with Ken on the steering!! Hahaha! 🙂
28 November 2016, 19:20

Damn, the Russians have pinched my idea! Thanks Bart - they look... errmm...errmm...very....eeeerrrrmmm....good...ish.
29 November 2016, 11:34

Not sure if this is worse than the anime colour schemes available in World of Warships... Just do a google images search on 'world warships anime schemes'
29 November 2016, 13:02

I can't imagine Hanna Reitsch as a pink, fluffy bunnie type of girl Derek.
I did that Google search Playtime... wish I hadn't.
29 November 2016, 18:26

Nice, wanted to build this model but the revell kit whas to say the least disappointing
23 January 2017, 19:36

Very nice Arrow gorby! I hope mine turns out half as well. 🙂.
23 January 2017, 19:43

I'm surprised this one keeps cropping up, but thank you all for your nice comments.
Ed: I would recommend the Tamiya kit. Other than the Eduard PE, it was just an 'out of the box build' – and it seems to have got a few favourable comments.
24 January 2017, 16:59

Sorry but my optic is weird. I See a pink 335... lolololololol 🙂🙂🙂
24 January 2017, 19:46

Sorry about screwing up your eyesight Holger, but it was worth it, if only for Bart posting a photo of a pink T-34 tank – not something you see every day.
24 January 2017, 20:48

All that historical accuracy for colors. markings, rivet counting and proper shapes, etc. is all fine & dandy for some. But for some of us we just like to do it for fun. I we can make it look good and give it some detail and feel good about it ourselves, its a beautiful thing.
I personally think you've done a fine job of it. Looks great !! We'll postpone the necktie party !! LOL
26 January 2017, 07:49

Thank you both for your kind comments and Bob, I agree entirely about the rivet counting thing. It certainly ended up getting a lot more comments than if I had used accurate colours - so maybe more pink war-birds is the way to go. Just thinking what my current stuka build would look like in tartan.😉
26 January 2017, 09:47

the current fashion colors are silver and gold it seems... 😉 yesterday was all evening women's talk... and I couldn't escape...
26 January 2017, 10:01

I feel your pain Bart. So it's silver and gold tartan for the stuka then...
26 January 2017, 10:04

Admittedly, not obvious camouflage colours, but it would probably blend into the background of Donald trumps house in Scotland quite well. No sure why he'd want to hide a stuka though, so my argument does fall down on that one small aspect.
27 January 2017, 11:17
Album info
I have finally managed to find the time and the courage to show one of my models on Scalemates. I started modelling again about two years ago and this is probably my best effort to date – hope you like it.
I’m quite tight, so I’m not interested in resin bits, so it’s an out of the box build, other than the Eduard etch (which was very cheap – like me).
The exterior colours aren’t Tamiya approved, I decided to go for a lighter splinter camouflage and a light grey under-side. For no reason other than I wanted to – I’m not really that interested in historical accuracy (hang the heretic).