Grumman F6F-3 (early) Hellcat. , Hasegawa
Photo 1 of 16
20 November 2016, 06:43

This one is 16 years old Glenn, as you can read in the text😉. Looking great Berhard, your had skills already in 2000 👍
20 November 2016, 07:27

No wonder you are so good now if you were at this level 16 years ago! I would be interested to know how long you have been modelling Bernhard?
20 November 2016, 15:08

My start into modeling was so long ago that I don't really remember the exact date. I think it was about 25 years ago when I built the Discovery (threemaster) in 1:144 from Airfix. Shortly after that I started to build planes (Fw-190 from Revell).
Three years later I build my first detailed and corrected model (Monograms Kingfisher) by using Squadrons "In action" publication.
I was really content another two years later with the Devastator in 1:48 (Monogram)
The rest of the story is in my galleries on Modelversium....
21 November 2016, 21:17

You've been a member of the illustrious master class circle already 16 years ago, Bernhard.😮 My deepest respect!👍
22 November 2016, 06:31

Bernhard, you are without doubt a master modeller. That Devastator is gorgeous. I will look forward to viewing the rest of your gallery when I have an hour or two to kill.
22 November 2016, 07:28
Album info
Yesterday I worked on my present project (Hellcat -Drone) and could not believe that my other Hellcat was finished 16 (!!!) years ago!
After looking in the Net (MV & HS) I noticed that I'm no more satisfied with the pictures quality and resolution. So I photographed the Hellcat once again.