Achtung STUKA!
1 7 December 2016, 23:14

It;s part of a group build on "International Scale Modeller" forum starting in Jan... So stand by your beds! 🙂
7 December 2016, 23:36

Work has started &, after a day at the bench, most parts have been assembled, primed and some have been top coated. Things will slow now as I move on to the detailed painting.
2 January 2017, 16:16

This is a trip down memory lane Noob. I did it not long after it came out in the mid seventies, so I'll be following your progress with interest. Looks like there is quite a lot of flash to deal with. That first photo of the real deal looks great.
2 January 2017, 17:11

Cockpit all painted & detailed. Also the seatbelts have been done. Just the engine to finish & the fuselage halves can be joined 🙂
9 January 2017, 16:47

TKS Spanjaard & Cliff. I just have the instrument panel to finish and I'll close the fuselage up. Major progress expected tomorrow 🙂
13 January 2017, 22:19

I'm in. Dave, I think playtime 222 means your photoalbum title looks like a screenshot from the computer game il-2 sturmovik. I thought the same 🙂
14 January 2017, 13:42

OK, fuselage all buttoned up, time to let all that glue dry.
14 January 2017, 17:23

@Marco - precisely 😄 I would say the later one rather than the original though.
14 January 2017, 21:31

Oh, OK, I get it. If you look at the trees & fields, they look like Flight Simulator scenery!
15 January 2017, 13:49

And still no closer to finding out what it actually is... state secret? ☺
15 January 2017, 15:34

That was easy 😄 theairtacticalassaul..owthread.php?t=16509 @Marco - Yep, it's Il-2 Cliffs of Dover.
16 January 2017, 09:11

😄 I had my suspicions from the outset but I figured that the chances of someone actually going to the trouble of a shot in a sim (which is actually a lovely idea as you can get better shots than most boring box art) was far lower than nicking one off the web.
16 January 2017, 11:26

RLM 71 applied. It's enamel so I can't put masking tape anywhere near it until tomorrow! The underside has already received a coat of RLM 65.
22 January 2017, 18:18

Masked up & RLM 70 applied then all the masking removed. Now for some drying time before a flat coat & then the Montex marking masks 🙂
23 January 2017, 18:03

TKS Cliff 🙂 Work with the Montex masks (Instead of decals) has begun!
24 January 2017, 17:12

Not quite I'm afraid Cliff. The results are rather mixed. The masks just don't have enough stick which has left me with some touching-up to do 🙁
30 January 2017, 14:47

Yup, all sorted now Cliff 🙂 Well errr, mainly due to my serious health scare, this got kicked on to the shelf of doom! So I have dusted her off, touched up the paint work best I can and given her a gloss coat. Then applied the stencils and gave her a wash. Then everything got a matt coat ready for final assembly.
18 August 2017, 18:10

That is a big Stuka Dave! Looking good so far. Too bad the masks did not worked out as you liked to. I am currently building the same Stuka T6+CK, but in 1/48. I see you have the codes switched, did Airfix came up with that?
19 August 2017, 06:35

@Spanjaard No, not Flory, I use UMP washes ... @Erik The masks are from Montex 🙂 T6+CK on the starboard side & CK+T6 on the port side!?!
19 August 2017, 15:29

I think the unit code, in this case T6, was always placed left of the balkenkreuz
19 August 2017, 20:21

Thanks David 🙂 @Erik I will just have to lay the blame on Montex and take it on the chin 🙁 Prop, engine cowls and dive brakes have been fitted, now I have the canopy & bombs to do.
20 August 2017, 11:09
Album info
Non ISM Group Build starting 01-01-2017 until 31-03-2017