Sukhoi Su-7 VEB Plastikart

Very toy-like model. Main parts in silver plastic and detail parts in black plastic. Moveable ailerons and rudder. Stans is also included for an in-flight pose.
I plan to do some kind of retro-modelling, so I'll try to build it the very old way ,,, as I should have done in the late seventies. The only 'modern' concession would be gloss varnishing in order to avoid decal silvering.

Whoa, that's a cool one, like my SR.53, I have to watch this one, loving such projects 😄
Nice decals you have got in your box, usually they are out of register
Sometimes I consider buying me one too, but I'd rather stay with modern decals anyway

Following! Those VEB plastikart kits were some of my first kits, a Mercure 100, a Boeing 727, a Tu-134, a Tu-154 and a Mil Mi-10. All in 1/100 scale. I still have the first four of them, the helicopter didn't survive.

I've got a back-up decal sheet from HDL ... just in case .. 😉

Thanks folks ... I've got some other VEB kits ,,,, I know they're quite tough ,,, but somehow I have a penchant for this "naive" kits ,,,,, I tried my hand at the 1/100 Mi-6 but was "killed in action" during my moving to my new flat. I'll try to get some pictures and post them .

Very nice, looking forward to seeing it completed. What roundels will she get?

Lukasz ... I've still not made-up my mind about the roundels .... May be Czech or Polish, if the original decals are still in good condition ,,, If not , I've got a HDL sheet as back-up , and then she will be Afghan.

Nice work so far Julian. My favorite Sovjet aircraft. Made it myself too but in 1/48 from OEZ, also a rather crude kit but not as crude as yours. Like the pictures of the real aircraft, what a beast. Looking forward to your progress.

Erik , thanks a lot .... It's almost finished .... I'll post more pictures soon. Indeed it's very, very big and brute ..... Before the Su-27 was "born" , this was my favourite soviet aircraft. Pure brute power , in old soviet style.

Yay, Polish roundels! 👍 No clue how accurate you wanna be, but the PL ones carried only red numbers...

Hi Lukasz. You know , accuracy is not the main point in this project. My plan was to use decals as per instrutions but birt number 22 red broke.

I've been searching in my spare decal box , but I don't have red bort numbers that size .... so ,sadly for you polish folks, numbers will remain blue ,,, 🙁

I should also build a Plasticart model again. Reminds me of my youth and the beginnings of plastic modeling.
Although the models are no longer up to date, I like watching them. 🙂

Lukasz ,,,, following your advice ,,, I've changed the bort numbers to red ones ,,,,

Great lookng build, Julian! With some skill and a little patience, these old kits can still look good...

Just finished my retro-project which I really have enjoyed ... let's hope more to come in 2018 ,,,,

Lovely job, I like it a lot (thanks for chaging the number 🙂 )

Well ,,,, those are dogs of kit ,,, taking it to a decent std is very demanding ... so my aim is the other way round ... build it as I did in the seventies ..... more akin to the level of detail of the kit.

Now I'm going a step forward and use acrylic paints ... less harmful and more good looking that the old Humbrol tins. Thanks for your comments.
Album info
It's a very toy-like model. Main parts are moulded in silver plastic and detail parts in
gloss black plastic. Ailerons, rudder and wheels are movable. Stand is also included for an in-flight pose.
My aim is to do some kind of retro-modelling. That means I'll try to build as much as I can the very old way ,,, as I should have done in the late seventies. "Classic" Humbrol #11 silver overall brush painted , no putty , nail files, no clear varnish, and kit's decals. For the sake of economy (I didn't want to buy a lot of Humbrol tins), airframe details were painted with Tamiya enamels , and details were painted with acrylics (Gunze , Tamiya, and Vallejo).
Plastic is very hard and some parts don't fit as well as modern kits do, but I kind of like these basic VEB kits.