Kawasaki Ki61-I Hei Hien (Tony)
1 11 February 2017, 13:01

Very nice, congrats! One of the last birds of Cpt. Teruhiko Kobayashi at the 244th!
22 February 2017, 13:21

Really well done Roberto. Did you use masks for the camo squiggles? 👍
22 February 2017, 13:51

Thank you mates! Mike, I gave it a try freehand, not so bad, if seen from a few meters 😉
14 March 2017, 07:01

nice colourful model. Well done. Ive watched a few video builds of this and its on my wish list. the fit looks first class
3 May 2017, 19:19

I must admit I have a soft spot on these Japanese Swallows, and this one is a beauty indeed, well done 🙂 Best regards, Hubert
3 May 2017, 19:25
Album info
Hasegawa 1/48