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Roberto Rocat (rocat)

Kawasaki Ki61-I Hei Hien (Tony)


1 11 February 2017, 13:01
Very nice Roberto! Beautifully painted.
 11 February 2017, 16:02
Gustavo Antonelli
Very nice, congrats! One of the last birds of Cpt. Teruhiko Kobayashi at the 244th!
 22 February 2017, 13:21
Mike Grant
Really well done Roberto. Did you use masks for the camo squiggles? 👍
 22 February 2017, 13:51
Roberto Rocat Författare
Thank you mates! Mike, I gave it a try freehand, not so bad, if seen from a few meters 😉
 14 March 2017, 07:01
Andrea Morris
Just beautiful !
 20 March 2017, 00:11
Gary Brantley
I agree with gorby, beautiful paintwork indeed! 🙂
 20 March 2017, 00:50
Cristian Bordina
Gran bel modello Roberto, complimenti !!! Bellissime le macchie😉
 3 May 2017, 09:52
Roberto Rocat Författare
Cristian, grazie!
 3 May 2017, 10:05
Stephan Ryll
very colorful beauty 👍
 3 May 2017, 17:18
Roberto Rocat Författare
Stephan, thank you 🙂
 3 May 2017, 19:11
Alistair Graham
nice colourful model. Well done. Ive watched a few video builds of this and its on my wish list. the fit looks first class
 3 May 2017, 19:19
Hubert Kendziorek
I must admit I have a soft spot on these Japanese Swallows, and this one is a beauty indeed, well done 🙂 Best regards, Hubert
 3 May 2017, 19:25
Roberto Rocat Författare
Hubert and Alistair, thank you!
 4 May 2017, 19:13
Daniel Klink
Very Good Roberto👍 The Camo spots looking great
 7 October 2018, 12:19
Roberto Rocat Författare
Daniel, thank you!
 7 October 2018, 12:22
Tim Heimer
Nice work! Looks good!
 7 October 2018, 12:42

Album info

Hasegawa 1/48

2 bilder
1:48 Kawasaki Ki61-I Hei Hien (Tony) (Hasegawa 09087)

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