Junkers Ju 87R-2 Trop Stuka
14 February 2017, 19:20

very well done to be painted by hand... I think I'd need to think twice to try this with an AB
15 February 2017, 16:13

Thank you guys. Painting was tricky. I first applied the basic schema RLM70/71/65. Then I painted RLM 79 over the scheme but I noticed that the green spots were too tiny. I made them bigger but stumbled upon another problem: in proportion to the green spots there was not enough sandy brown. so I had to change that. I'm not at all satisfed about the underside: it looks a bit sloppy and I had problems with applying the decals to the dive brakes.
15 February 2017, 21:24

I think the underside looks well weathered. I see what you mean about the decals, but I didn't notice them until you pointed them out. When you make a mistake on a model, it always remains glaringly obvious to you, but not necessarily to others. I've just had another look at your photos and I am still very impressed with it. Do you brush paint? As Bart says, I would be wary attempting this camo with my airbrush.
16 February 2017, 07:20

Thank you guys. And yes: I'm an old fashioned brush painter 😉
16 February 2017, 20:04