Tamiya M2A0 Bradley
6 19 May 2017, 15:44

Wow, nice result, very nice result! 👍 Reminds me of mine. I got stuck years ago and should finish him...
19 May 2017, 16:03

Hello @Frank. You are half way, keep the spirit up! Hope to see yours done soon!
19 May 2017, 16:13

Awesome build. I really like your weathering and the Tow training rounds.
19 May 2017, 20:28

absolutely fantastic. i will keep the album as reference for when i build mine
(this album and the one in flickr of course😉 )
19 May 2017, 21:08

Thanks @Erik. Was a bit hard to choose camo in light of reference pics. Lots of OD M2s from REFORGER 84-86 pics
20 May 2017, 05:15

Hi @Spanjaard. Thx! This one is going with a base and a few figures. Stay tuned!
20 May 2017, 05:16

Beautiful job on this Model Danumurthi ! This old chap makes the job perfectly. Nice to see old green style.
2 January 2020, 08:35

Interesting. Is the interior seen through the back door included in the kit?
2 January 2020, 10:13

Spot-on colur and weathering! Always nice to see some reforger vehicles.
2 January 2020, 10:41

@threehugger : Yes, this old kit from TAMIYA includes the interior. 😉
2 January 2020, 20:11

Season's Greetings! Hope all had a great holiday and New year! @Nicolas M, @Jos Jansen, and @Scott Dutton, Thanks! It's old kit but has sound basics for upgrades. The interior is great for early Bradley @Treehugger.
6 January 2020, 00:48

Hi @Markus Antonius - found some Reforger photos on the Internet and they were quite an inspiration!
6 January 2020, 00:50