Case VAI tractor
1 13 July 2017, 22:06

Thank you Sören! I hope I'll be finished by the weekend.
14 July 2017, 06:53

Sehr schön, dass Haemorridenkissen auf dem Sitz! Auch die Felgen, geil gemacht!
14 July 2017, 07:29

Looks good, very convincing weathering 👍. Nice to see a civilian Version of this tractor.
14 July 2017, 07:46

Man, I was looking for it in my barn, and you had it 😉 ... nice work
14 July 2017, 10:51

Thank you mates! New pictures on sunday, maybe with an driver 🙂
14 July 2017, 11:30

Da bin i aba platt! Das foto 5 ist mein Favorit! Der Farbabrieb am Sitz, am Boden und an den Kanten: einfach genial! Super Teil!!!!
14 July 2017, 20:26

Thank you mates! Freut mich das es gefällt Bernhard! 🙂
14 July 2017, 21:07

I think the tractor is finished, no the driver and dio
16 July 2017, 13:06
Album info
Current score, enough to do till finish