Denel AH-2 Rooivalk SAAF, UN colors
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3 21 August 2017, 11:52

Thank you. I primed the airframe in Revell 79, then sprayed Revell 301 on it. It was one of my first airbrushed helicopter, but the last where I mixed Revell Enamel colors with thinner to spray them😉
26 February 2020, 07:04

Great work with this difficult and not often seen kit/helicopter 👍
26 February 2020, 07:49

Nice job, never seen this kit before, but lucky enough to see the real thing many years ago. That looks great
26 February 2020, 11:48

Interesting chopper, looks like something someone welded together in their garage 🙂 cool and unique model, very nice 👍
26 February 2020, 13:26
Album info
In 2015, I found this resin kit on Ist not really cheap and the Details are not really Details, it was a hell of a job. Also, it was my first resin-kit, so I was for sure overwhelmed.
The decal sheet was from MAV Decals and I highly recommend it for the Aerografix resin kit.