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Could it be?


31 August 2017, 17:56
Augie Författare
So wheels, and not sure which I prefer, the full chrome effect or silver with purple inserts
 10 September 2017, 17:47
Wilfried Bogaerts
🤔 Full chrome ! 🙂
 11 September 2017, 12:24
Martin Oostrom
Augie, you didn't? Could it be you used something other than a regular brush to apply the purple? I'm shocked!!
 11 September 2017, 13:57
Augie Författare
Lol thanks willy I' still torn between them.. will sort both out an see what full sets look like.

🙂 Thanks Martin, yes for this one I did.. I did try brushing with the paint but it was wayyy too thin for it.
 11 September 2017, 16:29

Project info

5 bilder
1:25 Ford 4x4 Bronco (Matchbox/AMT PK-4629)

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