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David Suhadolc (EpsilonZer0)

All the boys lined up to play


2 October 2017, 15:13
Andy W.
Nice Idea to Display your "Boys" 😉. The four are looking nicely build too.
 2 October 2017, 16:03
David Suhadolc Författare
Thanks guys! The humvee is my oldest armor kit and although it looks like garbage next to my newest kits I still present it proudly. The howitzer is one of my newest and can tell by the level of weathering and stowage. 🙂
 2 October 2017, 22:24
Andy W.
Hi David.
Your Humvee is far away from looking like garbage. One of my first ever builds as a kid was an A-10, and i sprayed it Green Metallic. Believe me, that was garbage. In your display you are showing us your evolution of modeling skills. This is how it should be, getting better with every kit.
 3 October 2017, 08:17
Dan M
Nice collection! 👍
 3 October 2017, 08:35
Andrej Aleksandrov
U should add more pics of your models. 🙂
 3 October 2017, 08:37
Rui S
I agree with the mates 👍
 3 October 2017, 10:34
Bryn Crandell
Very impressive lot there. Great work on all four. To me the HUMVEE looks stunning, but then I am slowly getting my hands dirty on armor. Would love to see more.
 3 October 2017, 12:04
David Suhadolc Författare
Alright I added more photos of all of the tanks plus a special friend. 🙂
 3 October 2017, 12:52

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Just a little diorama/display for my completed desert kits.

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