Space 1999 Eagle 1 Diorama - MPC
Photo 1 of 28
2 13 December 2017, 20:34

Yaaa - brilliant. I remember the TV series well. Gerry Anderson and co. were brilliant model makers!!
14 December 2017, 00:21

@Vinny plenty on sale at SMW at Telford... but the prices... ouch.
14 December 2017, 00:55

This really takes me back. Oh the memories. Cool to see this built.
19 December 2017, 02:08

Well, as promised, I built a base for Eagle 1!
K-line for the launchpad, Evergreen for the building, wood for the base, LED and optical fiber for the lights.
Hope you like it!
7 March 2018, 21:16

Belo trabalho Paulo👍
É mesmo Nostalgia.
Ainda há um tempo, (depois de pensar que tinha perdido a minha), passado um tempo acabei por encontrar, por acaso, a que construi na altura (da Airfix, a caixa era outra) fechada numa caixa de sobras.
Fiquei contentissimo pois julgava-a perdida. 👍
Escusado será dizer que voltou imediatamente para as vitrines 😉
9 March 2018, 19:40
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