Spitfire HF Mk. VIII
24 February 2018, 22:22

I don't like building cockpits... everything box stock. Good thing is that Eduard has included printed instrument panel and seat belts
24 February 2018, 22:25

With the pit done I can progress pretty fast and the basic airframe went together without any problems
25 February 2018, 09:22

Thank you, Stephan! I don't like to build cockpits but still I try make it good
25 February 2018, 17:48

I masked the fixed parts of the canopy and used the spare items (door and closed canopy) to close the pit. My hypercut saw pro SS was used to cut the canopy to fit.
11 March 2018, 12:51

I want to try the new Mission Models paints on this model. Still waiting for Azure Blue and Mid Stone so I started with the primer. I still need to adjust my layer thickness but it works pretty well and I can sand some imperfections despite it seems to be a PUR paint.
14 March 2018, 21:22

Yes it works pretty well! As I wrote I need to spray thinner layers.... some of the fine rivets got a little obscured
16 March 2018, 13:45

Danke! Still waiting for the paint as the parcel got lost.... I wanted to finish it for Lingen 🙁
16 March 2018, 16:14

Would be nice to see her there😉
I stopped my affords to finish either the P-400 or L-29 for Lingen.... 🙁
16 March 2018, 16:44

May we see each other there 🙂 even when this build is not finished till Lingen
16 March 2018, 20:00

I will be there on Saturday - will be a pleasure to meet you there 🙂
16 March 2018, 20:12

Great work so far Steffen. Alwayts nice to see a pointy Spit be build.
16 March 2018, 21:14

Thanks Erik!! Today I finally got the Mission Models paint. As there is little time left I pressed on.
First I painted the underside Azure Blue It was a bit difficult to find a proper thinning ratio, but in the end it worked out. I left it to dry for some time and then masked the nose, rear fuselage and elevators underside. The Mid Stone went on without problems. Sadly I had some with Dark Earth as I needed to switch to low pressure to get a "half way" sharp edge when painting on the camo free hand. the paint clogged the nozzle and demixed in the cup while I was shooting. Plus I had to paint quite a few layers before good coverage.
All in all the paint is not bad but it does not work very well for me. I do not like shooting umpteen thin layers ... one or two at max and the paint has to be opaque (remember I used the MM primer!!). As my original delivery with the PUR additive for mixing got lost I will try again with the additive when I get the replacement delivery.
The kit now rests to dry thoroughly befor shooting a layer of Klear for decal preparation.. still some days left, so fingers crossed
17 March 2018, 18:20

Thanks Stephan! still for my taste the color transition is too soft
18 March 2018, 07:52

After the Klear was dry I started with the decals ... loong way to go with all the stencils
18 March 2018, 16:59

Sorry for the late response but pictures had no priority over the last days. Still a bunch of small things to add, but at least it is half way presentable so it will come with me to Lingen...
23 March 2018, 16:34

Experimenting with my new photo booth. Not happy with the background yet (its wavy), but artificial lighting looks o.k.
30 March 2018, 09:30

Hi Arne,
I always use two sheets of light blue cardboard - not very expensive
30 March 2018, 10:14

Yes that is what I use for daylight photography but this photo booth came with a fabric background which should be easier to work with but is poor quality
30 March 2018, 10:29
Album info
Eduard kit almost oob with Fündekals markings for Lance Wade's mount