12 June 2018, 14:54

I feel the need... The need to watch! I was thinking they will have to shoot the sequel in Iran! Maybe NOT! So i guess they will use Super Bugs (F-18F) instead ? Some how i'm about as excited as seeing another Star Wars sequel..... 🙁
20 June 2018, 00:21

Michael.... No to filming in Iran? (only place with F-14's) Well don't worry that couldn't happen but remember Iron Eagle? filmed in Israel i think?, Or no to using F-18's ? Sure won't be the same without Tomcats! Personally i think it's way too long a time to do another movie. Goose is dead, Iceman is um... FAT, Charlie.... Well let's just say that Charlie would not be interested in Maverick these days um.... in fact she might go for Goose's girl! Well at least Maverick is still Maverick i guess!
20 June 2018, 02:42

Topgun is not Topgun unless you have Tomcats, not those bloody inferior Bugs. Bloody cost cutting politicians, and your right at least Maverick is still Maverick and your also right its been to long between drinks for the next one to come along, just let the legendary Topgun just rest in peace and come up with a good modern fighter movie.
20 June 2018, 03:36

why making second part (and third, and fourth, and....)? Topgun was a good movie. let's make a new one, if they have imagination for it 😛
20 June 2018, 07:30

Agree! Nice Model Mehmet. But let's leave TOP GUN as a stand alone movie! And don't get me started on Star Wars or Avatar! 🙂
20 June 2018, 14:13

Dear all, thanks for you comments. I agree with you Glenn. Let's leave TOPGUN as it is. I don't support the idea to make another TOPGUN movie. They already ruined on the ROBOCOP movie which is another favorite movie from my childhood! Let's leave that one as it is in our memories.
20 June 2018, 21:20

And also YES, I know... The original subject does not have any weapon on it, but who cares?
I like the fighter jets fully loaded and also I am doing this hobby just for my own satisfaction 🙂
20 June 2018, 21:25

Hey Mehmet i agree, I like to see aircraft with an interesting load of weapons attached! Just like you see sometimes at airshows when there parked on display! Empty aircraft look a bit boring unless they have a special all over color scheme!
21 June 2018, 03:36

Nice pose! To me, its a little touch that makes a big difference in making the model much more interesting! Good work!
21 June 2018, 13:21

Hi guys, Thanks for the comments. I agree with you Augusto. @Oliver: I actully used the standard colors as referenced (FS35237 FS36320 FS36375) but later on, I didn't think the upper body color is correct. So, I added some blue-grey to the mix and applied again.
I am actually not happy with the finishing at the moment. I think the model needs another flat finish. Then it will be ready to go to my office.. 🙂
21 June 2018, 15:10

I was never that fond of the Revell Tomcat because of the deep and wide panel lines but your build needs me to get rethinking that. Excellent building and painting! 👍
19 December 2018, 16:37