5 15 June 2018, 08:43

Very nice work Enrico! That is my favorite Phantom scheme, even more so than my beloved "Bones" 🙂
7 December 2018, 21:02

Thank you Michael, I still have a lot of work to do! I hope to make a nice diorama..
8 December 2018, 10:38

Phaboulus work on that Phantom! Is she just launching from the carrier deck or why is the front gear fully extracted?
8 December 2018, 11:24

Thank you Holger! In this project the front gear is fully extracted because the phantom is ready for launch from the carrier deck! The section of carrier deck is that of the skunkmodels.
8 December 2018, 12:18

Hi guys, I have a doubt about the fire tractor included in the diorama, being set in Vietnam on the USS Coral Sea. I bought skunkmodels 48007 but I do not know if it's more realistic the skunkmodels 48005 in the fire version. Unfortunately I did not find info about the period of use of these two tractors. I think the 48005 is more suited to the period, colored of yellow, while the 48007 is more modern. Can you help me? Thank you!
22 January 2019, 16:44

Hi guys, what do you think of the photos of the Carrier Deck? Some criticism? Some advice? Thank you!
11 February 2019, 13:19

if taking off, the arresting hook should not be in contact with the deck.... (picture 39)
24 September 2019, 08:38

When i see this beauty, my heart goes boom boom boom! 😄 But Spanjaard is right, the hook must be up.
24 September 2019, 09:16

Is not the arresting hook but is the catapult holdback. The arresting hook is in upper position.
24 September 2019, 13:45

It was not very clear Holger, no problem! Thank you Bjorn!
24 September 2019, 14:02

I went crazy for finding the details of the take-off 😄
25 September 2019, 09:52

Splendid display, superb details just everywhere from the plane down to the deck crew helmets 👍 Beautifully made & put together, ready to take off to collect some medals on a show😉 👍
25 September 2019, 10:00

I was a A-6 pilot and I only used the bridle system on the TA-4J. Looking at USN F-4 photos, I don't see the nose extended as high as you show it. Just a quick search on my part though. That F-4 you did is stunning!
25 September 2019, 12:27

Hi Paul, thank you! What do you mean with "Looking at USN F-4 photos, I don't see the nose extended as high as you show it."? I see the USN F-4 photos with the nose extended. google.it/url?sa=i&a..ust=1569502847489893
25 September 2019, 13:05

You're right, Hans, however, I honestly don't know so much about these details. Today I learned something new, and I thank you!
25 September 2019, 13:40
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