Me163B Komet (Completed)

A simple kit from Hasegawa, only two sprue's. So it built up in no time, more time was expended on painting. With such low detail I threw some brass and seatbelts at it, good call 🙂 She has been primed and painted, just the decals and some subtle weathering to do. Should have it wrapped up by the weekend!

After the decallig, semi-matt varnish and the adding the fiddly bits, I'm calling her done. I just couldn't resist the all-over RLM23 scheme, turned out cool!

it looks very nice but the only Me-163 in red was V-41/PK+QL flown by Wolfgang Späte (first operational mission, 13 May 1944). his crew painted in red and he requested to have it painted in normal colors after the mission....

Quite true Spanjaard, however I couldn't get the kit with the correct markings so I decided to employ some artistic licence in order to make something unusual 🙂

There is currently an all-red replica flying with the Messerschmitt Foundation in Germany...
Album info
The Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet was a German rocket-powered interceptor aircraft. Designed by Alexander Lippisch, it is the only rocket-powered fighter aircraft ever to have been operational and the first piloted aircraft of any type to exceed 1000 km/h (621 mph) in level flight. Its design was revolutionary and its performance unprecedented. German test pilot Heini Dittmar in early July 1944 reached 1,130 km/h (700 mph), an unofficial flight airspeed record unmatched by turbojet-powered aircraft for almost a decade. Over 300 aircraft were built, but the Komet proved ineffective in its dedicated role as an interceptor aircraft and was responsible for the destruction of only about nine to eighteen Allied aircraft against ten losses. Aside from combat losses many pilots were killed during testing and training.