Trumpeter Su-30 MKK Flanker G Chinese service
4 October 2018, 22:48

Dan, where did you get your plane stand/jig and how do you like it?
5 November 2018, 01:41

Great for decals. Got it from Nikki Ward at Vetranus Models in the UK. Bit damaged as I sat on it last month. But the removal of the back rest has actually made it easier to use.
5 November 2018, 10:13

This is looking fantastic so far! Great inspiration for my next build, an Su-30MKM. I will be watching as you cross the finish line!
14 November 2018, 01:32

Still needs a lot of work. Ordnance and undercarriage need sorting, my least favourite job. Decals need finishing and then a gloss coat before weathering. Which is going to be interesting as it needs to be subtle. South China Sea is an interesting arena as looking at references the planes do not get bashed up as much as Russian equivalents. If you also look carefully you can see hundreds of little mistakes in the build, seem lines, flash, steps etc. However from a far under the right lighting it looks ok!
This is the warm up for a Hasegawa 72nd f-14b Jolly Rogers Christmas special built. Hopefully I can iron out some of the mistakes. Used Mr Colour and extreme metals for the first time and loved it. Really improved my paint finish.
14 November 2018, 06:58

Very nice!
Some pics are upside down. Would it be possible to correct the position? Thanks!
2 December 2018, 19:10