The build
Photo 1 of 48
6 26 October 2018, 14:55

Thank you ! it's a very pleasent yet intensive build 🙂 some more pics on their way, looking fwd to sharing them with you !
28 October 2018, 09:32

Hi guys! Some more progress in the last 2 weeks updated today. The stores and the decaling are done. Next step is everyone's favourite, the weathering !
2 December 2018, 18:32

And it's done ! Proud to present my best work (so far^^) and of course angrily frustrated at all the little messed up details. C'est la vie😉 hope you enjoy it !
Btw Happy new year everyone !!
2 January 2019, 22:29
Album info
The Mig-31 is a pretty relevant aircraft in aviation history, not least for the many altitude and speed records she holds.
The Trumpeter kit is amazing, providing an awesome level of details oob and a very good fit. It simply begs you to spend hours to make every little part stand out !