Cat in maintenance
1 18 November 2018, 17:46

I couldn´t resist and started assembling the first pieces. The kit is very well engineered with lots of fine details or senseful separation of the parts.
18 November 2018, 17:50

Oh man, this really wants me to start on my FineMolds kit again! Thanksgiving hopefully gets me some time.
18 November 2018, 22:04

Thank you guys for the nice comments and yout interest!
19 November 2018, 15:32

Keeping an eye on this one. Looks like a quality kit. Looking forward to it being all opened up.
19 November 2018, 16:29

Thanks again for the interest!
@ Bryn: the Finemolds is a very sophisticated kit and promises a lot of fun while building.
19 November 2018, 20:38

Today I had some time to go on with the Cat and I started airbrushing the cockpit parts. I also painted the seat cushions and weathered them. Yu cannot see much of this effort due to night time and not enough light for phatagraphy on my workbench....
19 November 2018, 20:42

Watching! Looks like a really nice kit! Lot of detail for 72 scale so far!
20 November 2018, 19:39

Thank you Ingmar! Only the weapons are not included in the kit but this doesn´t matter because in bigger maintenance all missiles were taken of.
20 November 2018, 19:46

Today I treeted the inside of the afterburner. Still waiting for some metal colours for the exhaust nozzles.
1 December 2018, 18:42

Thats something right for my taste! I´ll follow this one, Sven!
7 December 2018, 08:53

Last weekend saw a lot of progress on the Cat. After getting the proper colours for the model I could pain the intakes and glue the fuselage together.
I also put together the M61 Gatling and fit it to the cockpit area which took some time. After that I could married the cockpit and the fuselage. From then on things went very fast ans I will soon start painting the outside.
17 December 2018, 15:31

Painting time is coming closer! The last hours before Christmas Eve I spent preparing the cat for getting her camo.
24 December 2018, 15:05

Masking time! The next couple of days I will start the main painting process. The camo and special squadron markings will consist of four colours plus standart white for the undercarriage with red outlines and some small details painting.
24 December 2018, 15:10

Some paintwork on little details. I thought FS36118 would give enough contrast to the rubbed off surfaces of the wheels. Next time I need to take a much lighter colour.
I also masked and airbrushed the black andwhite stripes of the tailhook. There is a decal provied in the kit but the decals are a bit too thick and need a lot of treatment with softener. It was hard to get them properly layed over the cockpit instrument and I feard they wouldn´t work around the tailhook.
28 December 2018, 11:16

cool! I like the wheels and have to remember this technique for my builds!
28 December 2018, 11:36

And to finish the modelling year 2018 I´ve partly masked the lower forward part and applied FS36320 to the area where needed. This camo is one of the three tone camos. So there is only a small part coloured with Dark Ghost Grey in this case.
I mottled it the same way as I did with the Light Ghost Grey FS36375.
31 December 2018, 14:08

Happy New Year mates!!!
The year is only some hours old and I´m already back at the workbench before the real work gets me again! I´ve applied the third camo colour Medium Grey FS35237.
1 January 2019, 11:23

Happy New Year Sven! Wow, impressive work so far. I never noticed Fine Molds has a Tomcat in their programm. It seems to me a very nice kit and with a lot of fine details!? Does the open maintanance hatches and covers come along with the kit? Cheers, Christian
1 January 2019, 15:50

Thank you very much, guys!
Yes, Christian, the kit comes along with the options for open or closed hatches. You cannot do anything wrong with a Finemolds kit. This made the decision easy.
1 January 2019, 16:49

I totally agree with Lode. The kit is awesome but Sven is really making it shine! Oh... by the way: Happy New Year! 🙂
2 January 2019, 04:35

Nice start Sven.
I like the idea of showing her in "maintenance mode" 🙂
2 January 2019, 05:16

Thank you Ingmar! This should have been the last major masking event during this build.
3 January 2019, 19:41

The fundamental question: Paint the wheel wells before or mask after. I often decide to paint them and mask ´em with sponges. Works quite well.
4 January 2019, 07:38

In this case I decided to paint the wheel wells after applying the camo. In this scale and in particular with all hatches open provided by this kit it is much easier to paint them afterwards.
Normally I would paint them first and try to mask them as good as possible before apllying the camo. But normally I build 1/48 where this task is even easier.
In general concerning the colouring it would habe been even more easy when I would have left the lower fins seperate. But the mood for glueing dominated and the brain said days afterwards: this was not the best idea.
Anyway nearly all turned out as desired except the bare metal surfaces. With the application of satin and matt varnish in the next steps they will loose their brightness and I think i will have to do them again (as well as the leading edges of the wings - but there I thought far enough to paint them only in the very last step).
4 January 2019, 10:25

Thank you Lode! This weekend there will be not much progress. We have a snow storm here and I don´t want to do any airbrushing because venting the room is not good yet.
5 January 2019, 14:38

I also like to do the wheel wells after the rest of the exterior is painted. I feel it's easier to mask the opening post exterior painting.
16 January 2019, 23:36

After a longer break I applied a coat of clear varnish and did some more modulation with oil colours.
9 February 2019, 17:00