Oh good god how big?
20 24 November 2018, 21:00

A nice flat... of which 208 kits to build..of which in 1:48, theres 3 C-130's, 2 B-29, an B-24, an B-17, a host of canbarra's oh an a B-1..hmm.. ceilings are going to groan
25 November 2018, 00:56

Well so far starting with the ramp, making it more realistic. also the optics are being reworked.
2 December 2018, 00:05

I'm in! I have a soft spot for big planes ... probably ou need to buy a bigger brush?
2 December 2018, 07:28

I like to build aircraft in 1 48, was thinking about getting one of these, but what I really want is a B 52 in 1 48. I saw one in a model shop about 30 years ago, I think it was around Waco or Fort Worth Texas or so, I was in the military and cannot really remember exactly where it was, but it was huge and WOW, have wanted something like that for years. Your build is looking great.
2 December 2018, 09:11

Oh, I have brushes for this beast Thomas 🙂 long way off that however, gonna have to get the scratch build on
2 December 2018, 12:46

I brush painted a 1:48 B-17 in my youth which went faster than airbrushing a Catalina with a 0.2 nozzle 😉
2 December 2018, 13:01

A down payment of 310 Euro and it costs 775 Euro, well, sorry, I would love to but dont have that kind of Money. But I bet it would be really cool. Maybe Ill get a bonus from work, probably wouldn't be enough though.
3 December 2018, 14:14

About the painting, I usually hand paint everything, except cars if I build one, and larger aircraft that are monotone, like the silver ones, I use Revell or Tamiya Spray cans for that. Got a FW 200 that i work on from time to time and I am hand painting that as well. Its pretty big, and my C 47. I like ot build in 1 48, better detail and not as fragile as 1 72.
3 December 2018, 14:18

I am too... not that I want to, but it's kinda too big to ignore. Between this and the 1/48 B-1, I'm surprised there's any room left on Scalemates at all...😉
3 December 2018, 14:35

Lol thanks guys, guess the scariest bit....is that I have 2 more AND a Bone in the stash..
3 December 2018, 15:15

I have bought 2 of those Revell B1B Lancers, had both built, one fell from the ceiling and I couldn't fix it (it fell about 2 1/2 meters) the other one got smashed in moving three times and I gave up on trying to fix it.
. I think they were like 80 Euros apiece, sad sad sad.
5 December 2018, 11:22

I have a B 24, a b17, a HE 111, and a Betty Bomber in my stash. Think there was something else but cant remember right now, maybe my stash is too big. But then what is too big, it relative i guess.
5 December 2018, 11:24

I remember when I was in Iraq we had AC 130s flying overhead giving us some covering fire. They are pretty cool actually. Cant wait to see how yours looks when its finished. I might see about getting one too.
5 December 2018, 12:21

I'm in the same boat. I have 2 1/48 C-130s, 4 1/72 C-130s, 5 1/72 C-135 different variants. And of course the classics. Monogram B-36, RB-36, B-52 and B-29. Where will I put them?
5 December 2018, 15:55

So some scratch work update.. work on tail ramp, and now creation of control booth that goes inside. Ammo racks next
8 December 2018, 00:10

so third attempt at the box... Seems I cant cut straight or parallel at the moment. Ce' la vie.
8 December 2018, 12:56

thanks Michael, just found I need to sort the mini-gun mounts now, they dont actually fit so need to scratch platform for them to sit on.
First, the ammo rack and assorted ammo belts
10 December 2018, 00:26

Me Has Five or Six 1/72 B-52's about 19 C-135's a couple of B-36's about four XB-70 (O.K. i don't know why either?) and around 17 or 18 C-130's SPACE.... The vanishing frontier.....
10 December 2018, 01:56

It is indeed a beast. I have one as well. Different boxing. Cant wait to see how it comes out.
10 December 2018, 12:26

God bless your mess, Augie! I am glad that your desk looks the same than mine.😉
10 December 2018, 14:08

So quick update of where I am with this one.. She's big.. oh god she is.. and weight in the nose. my advice is dont skimp pile it in
26 December 2018, 18:27

I want to do one of these one day for sure. Looks like I'll need to clear some space...
26 December 2018, 18:38

Very nice interior work Augie 👍 Big Black and Beautiful plane too
26 December 2018, 21:51

I taped mine together when I first got it to show its size. I am 5-10 and it is right up against me.
26 December 2018, 23:13

Yeah the drums and especially the weathered boxes look great. This is such a vast project and the fact you're brushing it gives me hope. So far airbrushing has given me very inconsistent results.
27 December 2018, 15:42

No way would I even attempt brush painting this thing. You go girl! LOL
27 December 2018, 17:30

So yeah slow progress, few coats of paint.. some swearing lol
28 December 2018, 19:38

Thanks guys,
@Hans. nope wings are attached. sorting the seams
29 December 2018, 12:58

I was debating doing that when I get to mine. Having them attached will make transporting a lot more challenging.
It's looking good Augie. 🙂
29 December 2018, 14:09

Nice looking interior. Your brush-painting skills always impress me, Augie! Looking forward to seeing the finished result.
30 December 2018, 05:04

What kind of brush do you use to cover large surfaces, Aggie? Do you use enamel or acrylic?
30 December 2018, 20:02

Hi Ben,
For this my brushes were
Tamiya Flat brush #5
Tamiya Flat brush #0
Paints are Humbrol, mix of new and old pots.. just dont get me started on the new pots
30 December 2018, 20:11

I haven't used Humbrol new stuff but when I was last in the hobby 20+ years ago I loved to brush Humbrol because it levelled so well. Is the new stuff not as good? Thanks for the tips.
30 December 2018, 23:34

New stuff is very much a lottery.. half is like snot, some like water.. the other 10% is ok
31 December 2018, 01:33

Welcome to the party boys 🙂 dunno how you missed it hehe
@Michael; Oh yes, she's a big girl.. an a big butt😉
31 December 2018, 11:39

You sure do have a knack for coming up with some awesome kits. LOL.
2 January 2019, 00:18

Lol as I say my friend. Luck.. I just have the fun of trying to paint it.
2 January 2019, 01:06

That's where an air brush comes in good use, but I know you are committed to your Hairy Stick God.😢
2 January 2019, 05:22

So, the fun that is masking walkways... you get a whole new perspective when its on this size..
2 January 2019, 23:34

It gets worse, I got to do the other sides at the back so I can peel out the center and have a perfect line... I must be mad!
3 January 2019, 01:15

At least your having fun. I'm trying to connect up a couple of winches on my SLT-56 and do all the other wiring, time for a nana nap me thinks. 🤔
3 January 2019, 01:50

Augie? Just where the hell are you going to display this behemoth? God, it must be sucking up the paint! As they say in the American movies, "You go girl"!
3 January 2019, 21:29

hehe thanks peter, I have a coffee table it will fit on.. just 🙂
3 January 2019, 21:42

lol, not for this beast.. I do have a Mk 3 HAS in progress for smaller
3 January 2019, 22:08

I have that space worry with the 1:48 B-1 in my stash. My wife's one eye twitches everytime I open up that huge box.
3 January 2019, 22:23

Put some operational lights on it, string it to the ceiling and call it a a Chandelier ! LOL ! 🙂
3 January 2019, 22:26

Lol Nathan, I sympathise.. I really do.. I have one of those too plus a b-58, a b-52, b-47, 2 b-29's, b-24 ,b-17 2 more c-130 and thats before I even get down to the 3 blackbirds and yf-12 or the others.... yep mad..
3 January 2019, 23:40

I have a B-1, B-58, 2 Canberra's a B-29 a B-52 a and a B-47 stuffed in the basement. I am trying to figure out where I will put my B-70 Valkyrie when I finish it. Up stairs in my den I have a B-17 a B-26 and 2 B-25's. I don't have any C-130's yet. LOL.
4 January 2019, 00:45

SOOO ! What your saying is you live at an Airport ? Right ? LOL😉 I know that feeling,my living room looks like a used car lot !
4 January 2019, 00:47

Hehe well they are all 1:48.. I suspect cliffords may be too 🙂
Wish I did, think along the lines of Dirk Pitt if you have read any Cussler books.. cept am a girl lol
4 January 2019, 00:49

Yes Aug's mine are all 1/48, and that list doesn't include all the 1/32 ones or the mass of 1/48 Hornets, F-4s F-15's F-16's etc. Hell I have an Air Force base. LOL.
4 January 2019, 00:52

lol yeah I have that problem, I think I could probably provide an airforce for a small country now
4 January 2019, 01:07

I know what you mean. I have 2 closets full of "unbuilt" kits and a couple of re-builds thrown in as well. Someday I will find a 1/48 SR-71. I am going to try and kit bash a Revell 1/72 SR-71 into an A-12.
4 January 2019, 01:12

Well I will keep my eyes out for one for you 🙂 as for the bash build, do let me know I have some documents on A-12's as its why I have muliple blackbirds, wanna build one of each variant.
4 January 2019, 01:14

On the A-12. Isnt there a kit or a conversion kit out there? I am thinking there is.
The monsters I have are the same kit as this only a slightly different boxing. Also in 1/48 I have the BONE, which is actually progressing towards the finish line and the B-58. Also the C-2A and SR-71. I have in 1/72 the B-36, 2 BUFFs, multiple C-54s, another 130, and the XB-70. A Hunter, Eagle, Viper, Sabre, Tornado and Phantom in 1/32. Those are the ones I have NOT built. I have run out of display cabinet room for the big boys. Gonna be shelves or hanging for them. LOL
But, to the actual build at hand! LOL Augie, how did you keep the width for the lines the same? 3 strips of tape and pull the center?
4 January 2019, 01:47

Yeah your quite correct, its the nose thats different.. there is a NZ company who produces a conversion kit which also covers the M-21 (Drone carrier)
As for the line, you are spot on Don, thats exactly how I did it. 🙂
4 January 2019, 02:10

Hey Augie,
Robert here. First time post. This is my Covid project and I hope my marriage doesn't suffer. The slow shipping around the world gives me time to think of what else I can put into this thing. You know of anywhere I can get a correct howitzer and mount to stick into "Fat Bastard". That's his name. Fictional plane, tail number ect.
21 August 2020, 23:21

Hi Robert,
The ones included in the A kit are fairly decent, they just need some detailing up to match fairly well whats inside it. What you do have to add is the fire control office, ammo racks, sensor boxes etc.
The Big howitzer your referring too, was an AC-10H weapon IIRC
22 August 2020, 10:20

Looks great, wish I had room for something like that, maybe outside in a protected case though
22 August 2020, 18:18

Thanks for the hint on the Fire Control Office. I would have missed it. This is placed over the starb'd wheel well cover, allowing walking space between the office and the port wheel well cover,right?
5 September 2020, 07:19

Now I have to fabricate the office and the Howitzer with it's emplacement, plus a Howitzer and Bofors cannon ammo racks. Oh, where did you get your 20mm GAU Vulcan feeding system?
5 September 2020, 07:27

Hi Robert,
My pics are about right from what I had managed to find online for the insides of AC-130A's.
The GAU ammo rack was scrap parts from 1:35 days. The ammo feed is 1:35 flex track cut down to width.
5 September 2020, 09:36

So you started with the AC 130A model kit and built everything else from odds and ends? Marvelous. I'm trying the same thing. Quite a bit of after market products out there, but I still haven't found the howitzer available. Sorry for being slain in the ass, Augie.
Cheers from over the pond,
7 September 2020, 05:58

Lol no worries, the Ac-130A didnt carry the howitzer until post Vietnam. So for mine which was done as 56-0490 Tho, i didnt need to make mounts.
7 September 2020, 08:19

Yeah. BTY, that's a badass build you did. Just beautiful. I was at the air museum a couple of weeks ago, and it's true that there is kind of a wavie look to it, especially the black finish. Spot on depiction. Still haven't got my fuselage together. I got working lights though!
9 September 2020, 04:04

So she's done.. its been an interesting mission. The shine is from the flash, she's actually dull coated
14 November 2020, 16:01

Thanks guys 🙂 its a beast but I have to admit, I'm glad I did her.. big, bad, beautiful she is
14 November 2020, 16:35

Very impressive Augie, I like it. As usual you have outdone yourself with your flawless brush work.
15 November 2020, 18:27

Thanks Clifford 🙂 its not my best.. but she's bloody striking at that size.
15 November 2020, 19:11

Lol thanks Don, tho.. I do have a reputation for making sailors blush when I get going
15 November 2020, 20:35

Keep looking at my other 2 C-130s... I get a feeling one might make the bench soon after the B-17..
16 November 2020, 12:59

Hi David, that on the "I'll get to it eventually" pile.. I'll do it on a holiday when I can clear bench and mind for some of the re-engineering that's needed.
16 November 2020, 19:28