5. Whippet
1 6 February 2019, 10:50

Does anyone of you know what these parts are for? can find nowhere in the guide.
10 February 2019, 14:43

yeah rick, that was my thought too. but there is no place for an ammo belt. :/
10 February 2019, 14:58

Ammo strip for the machine gun is my guess
( Hotchkiss machine gun WWII)
10 February 2019, 15:27

Thanks HK! yeah looks like this strips. So I can't use it, because these strips would be inside the tank.
10 February 2019, 15:38

Yeah, that was my guess as well, looks like a seperate sprue? Maybe MENG (will) include(s) it in other kits as well? You can use it for a diorama maybe.
10 February 2019, 15:40

Aha, hier für wolltest Du also die Haarspray Sache ausprobieren?😢
11 February 2019, 13:59

ja genau, werde ich am whippet mal ausprobieren. der hat so viele nieten da muss das chipping stimmen.
11 February 2019, 18:48

Für solche Unterfangen gibt es, für die faulen unter uns (mich), von Uschi van der Rosten, sogar weathering decals. Ist ganz lustig zu probieren. Besonders wenn man bei fading und streaking noch nicht so erfahren ist. Trotzdem macht man es später wieder nach alter Väter Sitte.
12 February 2019, 08:52

I've made a few small mistakes again, the Hotchkiss MG's are broken off a few times, which is the reason why some are crooked on the photos. But I also learned a lot: masking the first time, the first time chipping with hairspray. Under the line a very good kit I can recommend to anyone!
11 March 2019, 10:16

Wow, richtig gut geworden! Gratuliere. Bin auf dein nächstes Projekt gespannt. 🙂
11 March 2019, 21:00

Danke Thomas & Neuling. Das neue Projekt startet diese Woche, muss nur noch ein wenig recherchieren.😉
12 March 2019, 13:06

Thanks for all your nice words. Tomorrow I will start my next project... 🙂
13 March 2019, 18:16