TreehuggerNice and clean, I like it. 🙂
20 April 2019, 07:21
unfusion FörfattareTreehugger , Chris Greathouse // Thank you.
20 April 2019, 15:50
unfusion FörfattareJames C // Thank you.
23 April 2019, 04:13
Bob HallWhoa ! That is one fine piece of Italian Machinery ! BELLA !
8 May 2019, 06:55
Chris GreathouseSweet details. I'll say it again, Very clean. 🙂
8 May 2019, 07:08
unfusion FörfattareBob hall, Pascal Prel // Thank you for comment.
11 June 2019, 01:43
GlennVery nice love the gold paint
12 June 2019, 13:29
Tim HeimerNice work, looks good!
12 June 2019, 14:07
unfusion FörfattareGlenn, Tim Heimer, Chris Greathouse // Thanks for comment.
13 June 2019, 04:07
Martin OostromOkay, I'm pushing my Miura to the back of the stash. If I build it too soon, this beauty of yours will be on everybody's mind.
Great job Un. I love the yellow
13 June 2019, 06:31
unfusion FörfattareMartin Oostrom // Thanks. I look forward to seeing your wonderful Miura soon.
13 June 2019, 07:32