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Torsten (TWN)

Terry Pratchetts Esme Wheaterwax


2 25 August 2019, 15:29
Torsten Författare
Next figure for my collection, Emse Wheaterwax, a witch from Terry Pratchetts Discworld. First steps are done, the face. Thanks for looking.
 25 August 2019, 15:34
Torsten Författare
Base color added
 25 August 2019, 15:59
Torsten Författare
Some more steps with different paint add
 29 September 2019, 15:31
Torsten Författare
Finished, some quick & dirty shoots, better pics ASAP
 29 December 2019, 14:52
Torsten Författare
THX for the like Villiers 🙂
 2 June 2021, 16:40
Torsten Författare
THX for the like Peppy 🙂
 3 June 2021, 06:52

Project info

13 bilder
28mm Esme Wheaterwax (Micro Art Studio D00200)

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