Scene in a frame
Photo 1 of 14
16 28 October 2019, 19:25

Started this little side project a couple of days ago to test out some techniques. I although wanted to try to put a little scene into a picture frame. Let's see how this will turn out in the end
28 October 2019, 19:30

Looking great. I agree it looks very realistic. Love the graffiti.
28 October 2019, 22:18

Thank you mates, glad to hearthat it looks realistic so far.
@ Nathan
The decal is from a Uschi van der rosten sheet, which i can fully recommend. Very thin so it lays down on the wall's structure nicely
29 October 2019, 04:30

Fantastic start for a test shot, Moritz! I´m in and excited for the next steps
29 October 2019, 09:12

Hey Sascha, glad to have you around. I am unsure if I am going to add a figure to scene or not, what do you think?
29 October 2019, 11:56

Little progress from today. I added a caged ladder and sprayed the number 6 on the facade.
Next I will complete the weathering on the ladder and add some more trash
31 October 2019, 16:42

Welcome Stephan and thanks.
I can call this one finished. I decided not to add a figure so it took just 4 more hours.
31 October 2019, 23:11

Holy smokes! That's some ultra realism there! Just fantastic!
1 November 2019, 05:34

That's an absolutely brilliant job Moritz. I love this little scene.
1 November 2019, 09:52

Absolut gelungen, besonders das Tor. Exakt genau so schaut es auch in echt aus! 👍
1 November 2019, 10:11

Thanks for your friendly and overall positive feedback. Much appreciated
1 November 2019, 15:32

Always a nice journey watching your builds Moritz! I found those Uschi graffiti decals at a local shop 🙂
1 November 2019, 15:38

Moritz did you think up this scene freely or had an real place for it?
1 November 2019, 15:55

Thank you Nathan.
Die idee entstand frei Schnauze rund um das Resin Tor welches ich noch im Stash hatte. Hätte gerne noch mehr Graffiti rein gebracht, das passte aber leider nicht zusammen
1 November 2019, 16:02

Auf das Ergebnis kannst Du mächtig stolz sein...ich ziehe meinen Hut! 👍
1 November 2019, 23:02

Habe leider keinen Hut auf, den ich ziehen könnte, verneige mich aber tief vor dem Schöpfer dieser hervorragenden kleinen Arbeit.
2 November 2019, 10:07

Thank you mates, I am really happy about your positive and heartwarming comments. Cheers
3 November 2019, 07:40

Looks amazing with all those little details like beerbottle, garbagebags and more 🙂
3 November 2019, 17:32

Thank you mates, I am totally happy about your allover positive reactions. Thanks a lot
4 November 2019, 06:59

My brain just went into meltdown. More real than reality! Brilliant!
12 June 2021, 21:05

that´s an awesome work!!
looks so real- the whole detail work and the painting process is well done!
the chipping effects on the door is great
super to make a shadow box out of it
2 November 2021, 18:39

Spanjaard, Dominik, Zsolt, Dietmar thank you very much. I am really happy about your positive feedback and your warm words. Cheers
3 November 2021, 09:38