Making Waves 3
13 22 January 2020, 13:04

Danke Frank! Immer gut zu wissen! Kommt auch noch ein Wassergestaltung-Tutorial in 1:72? 😉
22 January 2020, 14:18

Sorry, Harry - nicht mein Maßstab für Wassergestaltung - dazu kann ich leider nichts beitragen...
22 January 2020, 14:44

Habe mich an Wassergestaltung nie rangetraut. Da ich jetzt aber vermehrt U-Boote baue, kann ich mich mit Hilfe deines tutorials daran mal versuchen. Danke
22 January 2020, 15:03

Schwierig wird´s, wenn das Wasser durchsichtig ist. Dann kommst Du mit diesen Techniken nicht weiter. Wenn es nicht durchsichtig ist - dann schon
22 January 2020, 16:56

Great tutorial many thanks. But again how did you create the turbulented water direct at the hull. The the polygonal shape is very interesting.
25 January 2020, 08:00

The water looks awesome, but typically I see these water builds without "wet" areas on the hull which detracts from the illusion because a real boat (or anything else in the water) would not be completely dry everywhere above the water. To go along with the turbulent waves maybe some gel on the hull itself so it looks wet from moving up and down in the water? Again, love the look of well-done water bases like this!
25 January 2020, 08:59

You´re right, Mike, I just might add some wetness to the hull yet - which it would show in reality. The problem is arriving at the right amount of gloss to make it look convincing. Norbert, I answered your query in the MCMV post.
25 January 2020, 09:48

I used the same technique for my Loire C130 project and was really happy how good it works, even in 1/72😉 . The only difference is that I used Styrodur insulation foam, which is very dense (dt.: Styrodur ist sehr dicht und hat sehr kleine Partikel, tolles Zeug) . That means that you can even sand it if necessary and cut it quite easily. But if you use Styrodur dont apply too much heat on one spot over long time, because this will cause the foam to create a solid top layer which is almost strong as plastic and can hardly be corrected. Always keep the flamer in motion, like an airbrush 🙂.
28 January 2020, 09:42

Thanks, Stephan! I also use Styrodur, insulation board from the hardware supermarket. I also second your recommendations on flame use!
28 January 2020, 18:33

Well, this is not a new album, it just popped up when I added a few images as new. I added photos of the foam board cutter I have bought, and what it did to the base of my HMS Hermes.
22 May 2021, 15:38

Ah, the Magician opens the book of spells.
Masterclass tutorial.
Thank you, Frank.
23 May 2021, 04:39
Album info
Full hulled models or livelier seascapes need bases with more substance. I use ordinary styrofoam insulation boards from the hardware supermarket. This is what I do: