A donkey makes an ass out of me, or how to make a hash of Eduards I-16.

First monoplane with a retractable undercarriage but must have been quite some work cranking it up.
Was very interesting to read about

for what i see in the buildlog, you had a good time with this build😉 but certainly it looks great once finished 🙂

Thanks very much mates, nice to know it was worth the effort. 🙂 👍

Very nicely done Gorb. As usual, I enjoyed the build log narrative as much as the model itself, from the marital tips to me thus far unknown words (I.e. faffing, I love it.) I personally feel that your literary, and artistic, efforts are being wasted on that other forum, but that is just my opinion.

Thanks very much Alec. I'm pleased that you enjoyed my efforts, although, a little concerned that someone may actually follow my advice. It's never done me any good. 😄
As you enjoyed that, I'll let you into a secret – I've decided what my next scratch-build is going to be, Google 'holt 150 ton field monitor'. It's going to be a whopper!
You're right, this one didn't seem to go down that well on Brexitmodeller (A very unfortunate name – but the 'Brexit' bit has nothing to do with this 'leaving Europe' business). It's only got a very small membership (I don''t think the name helps) but they're are a great bunch of nut-jobs who rarely take anything seriously. Which is why I like it. I usually repeat my stuff on Britmodeller as well, and it got a much better reception there. 👍

Wow! That looks very ambitious. Send us a link to your WIP thread on Brexit or Britmodeller when you get started so we don't have wait until it's all over 👍

gorby, just found it - well done mate 👍 Looked into your build report: nice, but you should offer your spray booth a new filter😉

gorby, regarding your new project - search here or Google 'russian tsar tank'. Saw a model at a exhibition, very impressive😉

What a great build Gorby! I'm glad you persevered with this build.

Thanks very much mates. 🙂
Bughunter: Yes it is very, very impressive and I did give it some thought, but to do it justice it needs to be built by a significantly better modelled than myself. Someone like Angel or, errmmm, let me think, eerrrmmmm, are yes, BUGHUNTER! Go on, I dare you.😉
Album info
As a bit of light relief I decided to do a nice easy kit. I chose wrong.
As I wanted to build something quite quickly, I picked a small fighter, which was a mistake. The bloody thing fought me all the way. The only reasons it didn't end up on the shelf of doom is because I don't have a shelf of doom, and because I'm a stubborn git. No heap of plastics going to get the better of me.
I love the I-16 because of its dumpy beauty. When I explained that the Mrs Gorby She gave me one of those withering looks that women learn at a very young age. Apparently the word is 'petite'. As you know, I really, really admire the zealots that attempt to enforce strict adherence to historical accuracy, * But just this once, I decided to rewriting history - because I felt like it. When I saw how dull the Eduard schemes were, I found one that actually does have a modicum of truth to it. Then I discovered that it was for a type 10 not type 24.
And then I remembered "I don't care. I really, really don't care", so in the alternate reality that I inhabit.…
* This week we've learned to spot sarcasm ……….. next time we'll learn to spot dialectical materialism in Peruvian parrots.
If you're determined to waste what's left of your life, the build report is here: