Avia BH-7a WIP

Wow, that's ambitious, but you're well equipped as far as I can see

Díky za pochvalu Jakube, jsem rád že se líbí. Už připravuji další fotky 👍
Thanks Lukasz. It's been a slog for sure. But the new toys in the shop are worth it😉

Thanks Tom!
Lukasz, all these scratchbuilders were whetting my appetite, so I had to give it a go. So far so good, but I will be ready for something "lighter" after this.

I have the same feeling towards the whole bunch of vacuformed kits I've collected. 🙂

Wow this is good. How did I miss it?
I need to tell Mrs Gorby that I must get some new toys, sander, plotter, 3D printer, vac former, pillar drill, somewhere big enough to house all of the above…… 🙂

This is a great scratch work job until now 👍 Thank you very much for the detailed description with well prepared pictures, a joy to follow!
Gorby, my wishlist is shorter because I own already: Proxxon sander: smaller TG125, runs very smooth. Plotter: my Portrait 2 is not that strong as Cameo 3. Pillar drill: Proxxon TBM220. Very handy tools!

Frank, I just need to work out which bank to rob - then it's time to go shopping. 🙂

Welcome Gorb, Stefan and Bugsy. I appreciate the interest and encouragement. Yeah, I am pretty spoiled. My strategy is procurement under false pretenses: I say to my better half that I need a tool for a home-related project, but it's really for my modeling habit. She generally agrees, but I think she is onto me...😉

Excellent! I am really enjoing your build by following your great tutorial.

Thanks everyone for your feedback and glad you are enjoying this. I will post another update soon.
Martin: Hope I don't disappoint, as I am just an average modeler trying new techniques. Cheers.

Happy Saturday! Some more progress pics of wing and landing gear supports.

Alec, Alec, you need to lower the quality a bit. You're showing the rest of us up (specifically, I mean you're showing ME up). 😉

No need to worry Gorb - this thing will fit under your little steamroller...

Not only careful scratch building, also great presentation with nice pictures and drawings 👍

Alec K: I was wondering what you have been up to 😉 And there you are with scratch-built BH.7a 👍
PS: I am always amazed by your jigs that keep things in place

Thank you!
David, my jigs don't always work, and keeping thing accurately aligned in 1:72 scale is not easy. I must say I like the sheet pvc: it's a very versatile stuff to have around. Cheers 👍

Yeah, but you take time to *manufacture* them. I prop stuff with paint jars and q-tips 🙂 And they don't always work either 😉

Welcome Greg!
Finally got around to upload some more progress pics. My PC took a crap two weeks ago, and I finally am at the point I can get back to this. If I squint real hard, I can see the end of this build on the horizon...

Finally you move on! You can't make us addicts wait this long! Great results 👍
Regarding real wood veneer: It's hard to get this in the small thickness you need fro 1:72. Buf if you cut a small stripe, as needed for your propeller, put it flat on you bench and use a sanding block - you are very fast below the thickness you need😉

Hello Alec, absolutely interesting to follow your paths 👍 very nice progress from a really rare plane 👍

Thank you gents for your interest.
John, I am glad this is useful. I do it as a log of my builds for my own recollection, but it's nice to hear it's helpful to other modelers.
Jens, it's a rare plane indeed. I think that most of us in this hobby eventually stray into the obscure.
Greg, thanks mate. Nothing as exciting as your modeling factory, so I appreciate you following along.
Bugs, sorry for my slacking off. I have to get my ass in gear. And I appreciate your suggestion, I did not think of sanding wood down to 10 mils. It should go fast on the disc sander. Noted in my " ideas log" 👍

This build is a treasure trove of "how to" tidbits for scratchbuilders. I'm following eagerly.

Thanks Mark! I have added few pics, as I have the priming and final tweaks done, ready (almost) for paint. It will be done this year for sure 😄 😄 😄

Pic 53 looks like a kit model😎
It is difficult to watch how the almost finished fuselage has to go under the milling machine! But the result speaks for itself 👍

Alec, you've outdone yourself... which I didn't think was possible... just stunning work here.

"only those growing up in Czechoslovakia during normalization will understand…"
hmmmm....what is this "normalization" you speak of?
can it be purchased and given to others? there are any number of folks that need "normalizing"...if u get my drift.

It's a historical term for the times in Czechoslovakia between 1968 and 1990s. Both nations were to be 'normalised'.

Thanks for the encouraging comments mates, much appreciated. I must admit that I have a whole new level of respect for scratchbuilders. Although this project is scratched, it's really pretty simple and the final result will probably be rather underwhelming. My hats off to the pros that build masters, they are truly on a different skill level.
Bugsy: I can't tell you how many times I have repainted that damn fuselage...
It's finally to the painting now 👍

Greetings! I am calling this one done. Gallery album is here: Avia BH-7a gallery | Album by Pardubak (1:72)

Yesterday I thought about this project ... and now it is finished. Wow, very careful and thoughtful work 👍 Used machinery, self made assembly rigs, ... and not to forget this absolute great build report with nice pictures and extended explanations. Could not be done better!

Hello Frank, and thanks very much for such high praise. This one definitely stretched my skill set.

Wow... Alec, You could make any model that you propose. You would even compete with the most famous kit producers. Fantastic result. Congrats!

Thanks Cuajete for your kind words. I do have a renewed respect for master model builders. They would probably take issue with you placing me in their category, but I'll take your praise and run 🙂 😄

WOW..... i missed this one before.... what a fantastic job from A to Z.... amazing in every way.

That's truly impressive... I am just speechless. Chapeau bas, Alec!

Greg, just more pedantic and less imaginative than your escapades 😉

I dunno about that. Patience and attention to detail have produced some truly amazing results for you. I just run off in some random direction and start cutting and glueing. 😄

LOOK and LISTEN! A lot to learn from your build reports. At least for me. Thanx for sharing.

Hi Michael, I am glad you find some value in my musings 🙂
Greg, I always find some new technique and inspiration in your projects. And, while I dawdle with one build for a year, you have done a bunch! Keep it up 👍

How did I miss this gem? Thanks for the extra work putting in detailed descriptions. I wish more people would do that. Congratulations on a great build.
Album info
I had my eye on a scratchbuilt project for some time. I did some "scratching" in the past, but never a whole build from ground up. Being a Czech aviation nut, it had to be something from that stable. I also wanted to build something not likely to be kitted (RVHP did a resin model of this prototype aircraft in the 1990s: it's nearly impossible to find today, and unlikely to be re-released). And, it had to be relatively simple. I had my eye on the BH-7a since childhood (only those growing up in Czechoslovakia during normalization will understand…), so I decided to build it.
One nice thing about building a model from scratch is that you HAVE to get some new tools and machinery: a plotter for scoring plastic (I have Silhouette Cameo 3), a rotary disc sander (Proxxon makes a nice unit), the list can go on. I also had no experience with casting resin, so had to get my arms around that skill set (I used products from Micro Mark).
Here is a link to the gallery album: Avia BH-7a gallery | Album by Pardubak (1:72)
I hope you find the build log below interesting. Happy modeling!