Whiff-y Tiffy
Photo 1 of 16
26 10 May 2020, 09:42

Congratulations, the Digi pattern is simple but very effective 👍 beautiful model 👍
10 May 2020, 09:56

A quick&dirty ten day build. Quite relaxing to just do some devil may care what-if in between without the pressure of doing justice to a 100€ kit 🙂
But now I will get back to the serious navy stuff😉
10 May 2020, 09:58

Wonderful idea Daniel and well executed. 10 days is awesome!
Can't wait to see the Kuwaiti Typhoons, hopefully they come with a nice camouflage and somebody releasing an aftermarket decal set accordingly.
31 May 2020, 20:34

I did not even know a "Minecraft Typhoon" even existed - cool thing! The result also looks fairly acceptable for a quick build 👍😉😉
1 June 2020, 10:17

Nice work Daniel! Hopefully some ground crew will see your build and apply this camo to the real aircraft.
1 June 2020, 14:55

Many thanks friends, much appreciated!
@Maciej: Absolutely, really hope they choose something nicer than just plain grey as well!
@Slavo: Nope, this is the one and only! (afaik) Yeah, well, could've been worse right?😉
@Nathan: I was actually hoping for some kuwaiti officials sending me an appealing trade offer for the model to use it as their design template (only reason I built this) So far nothing. But I guess you had the same disappointment with the draken guys 😄 😉😉
2 June 2020, 20:51

I suspected the digital camo is too good to be true... Looks much better than the title pic! 👍
6 June 2020, 05:37

thank you very much Slavo, Patrick, Neuling and Pero! I am very happy you like the result of my little camo experiment! 🙂
6 June 2020, 19:46

Awesome Work! Nicely played with the f-18 exhaust, I wonder now if a after market resin for a f-18 would also work?
28 January 2021, 15:47

Thank you Jeramy! I would give no guarantee for standard brand resin, as those are from the old monogram kit which is still sold by revell...dunno if there are resin exhausts designed for this
Thank you Tobi! I usually like my jets a bit used but did keep it clean here as the Kuwaitis seem to keep their planes pretty tidy and it should also depict a brand new delivery
29 January 2021, 10:21

Thank you very much augie, always fun to build one if the mojo runs out for the serious stuff 🙂
1 February 2021, 19:43

Nice looking model. I don't see ANY reviews for this kit. Do you know how it compares to the Revell option? Thanks.
18 December 2023, 11:23

Hi Paul, thanks a lot! This kit is very very rudimentary, probably nobody takes it serious enough to write a review🤔 I'd say the Revell kit is superior in every aspect, but not easy to build as well. (from what I have heard - mine is still waiting in the stash)
19 December 2023, 23:46
Album info
Kuwait got their new air-superiority fighter! Inspired by the preview pics by EADS I was just messing around with a 10€ crap kit and the idea to take their hornet camo into the digital age 🙂