F-14A-70-GR VF-1 Ferris 1983
13 11 May 2020, 21:58

Thanks guys, gonna be a week or so before I start, but thought i'd get it in now 🙂
11 May 2020, 23:30

How do you guys get the pictures of the real ones on the site? I don't know how to do that.
11 May 2020, 23:52

save them to pc from the site, then under the project, upload it as the image 🙂
12 May 2020, 00:38

Lol more like I pick the ones you have to be slightly crazy to do with a brush?
13 May 2020, 22:18

Thanks guys, she'll be started shortly.. Just finishing off a frightning
16 May 2020, 11:13

More the merrier, tho only fair to warn people, F-14's whilst being my favourite bird (even over the F-4 Rhino), they are my unicorn kits.. the one I never seem to ever manage to finsh!
16 May 2020, 23:24

You better finish it! LOL. I have to see it. The only bird I have more of than F-4's is F-14's go figure. But my collection of SU-27's is catching up fast. LOL.
17 May 2020, 00:33

Lol Well never know this time I have you lot behind me so I'm sure I will. Soon as the lightning is done its on the bench 🙂
17 May 2020, 00:47

Which scheme are you doing?. I am working on a pair of Migs, a 23 and 27. Then I will tackle the "cat" I think I am going to build my Acadmey "A" in VF-2 Bounty Hunter markings.
17 May 2020, 00:59

I meant the Lighting, LOL. I knew you were doing the Ferris scheme on the Tomcat.
18 May 2020, 00:22

Starting as always with cockpit, light coat of Hu:140, with Hu:RC401 acrylic for the panels and a light dusting with weathering oilstain to highlight
25 May 2020, 12:40

Off to a great start as always. I guess I better get my postier in gear or I will be left in the dust. LOL.
25 May 2020, 17:23

Lol naw.. this one is a unicorn for me so I have to be steady or it will end up like every other f-14 i attempted.
25 May 2020, 19:14

First pass of the offwhite for switches etc.. some will be coloured as appropriate.
26 May 2020, 19:43

I wear my glasses and have one of those maginifing lighted visors. LOL.
27 May 2020, 23:25

Further progress.. Cockpit soon ready for buttoning up.. this kit scares the be-jesus out of me.
30 May 2020, 22:56

IP's looking good. The Hobby Boss kit looks like it is a good kit. The Hasegawa one scares me to death. I made a start on the Acadmey 14's cockpit today.
31 May 2020, 04:39

You have done some heavy cutting Augie, as the marks on your table says you have had some serious work done. !!!
The instrument panels look good and I am sure the rest will follow suite. 👍 😉
31 May 2020, 05:48

thanks guys 🙂
Patrick, this kit scares me because of the breakdowns in parts.. some is very good.. others are a little "Eh?" making
31 May 2020, 09:43

😄 well spotted, yes I have as I have the aires resin exhaust set for it. They come with complete backend so chop job it was.
31 May 2020, 11:02

Ahh well yeah, thats why.. the kits ones are crap.. but yes, it would have had a great effect on the weight.. but am adding more lol
31 May 2020, 11:59

You're off to a great start mate! I'm a bit tempted to join in as well but I'm not sure if I can handle a 1:48 kit yet with one hand as I fight the tomcat with the other hand. It could be too soon. I've got the Hasegawa 1:72 as well but I'm short of one PE fret in the Eduard set I got with it and don't want to start that kit without that PE fret.
1 June 2020, 22:06

Fingers crossed Patrick 🙂
Thanks Urban, i think this GB dosnt end till the end of the year so always time 🙂
1 June 2020, 23:39

Indeed roland, two are better that one.. means a two legged turkey not one 🙂
Fit was fine actually, did need to clean off some over paint but other than that.. was like a glove. Other side was the same too
2 June 2020, 11:50

Yeah, I had to grind down the corners of the wheel bays so the top fuselage sits right
2 June 2020, 21:54

So it's official then, not a shake and bake. LOL. I spent part of my day filling ejector pin marks in my "cats" intake trunks. Now the fun part, sanding the putty down.
3 June 2020, 02:19

Hi Jos.. its.. interesting. Compared to the pair of trumpter mig-21's I did before which fell together, this one needs a little force to fit.
Not bad fit.. but not what I would have hoped for.
9 June 2020, 20:38

Thanks Daniel, yeah its been interesting lol.. soon to get some war paint on her
9 June 2020, 22:49

So painted the Right Elevon,... I'm now having doubts if the colour call outs are right. It matches the decals however.. for example, on this the outboard grey is fairly non-blue.. where as on the pictures the associated colour.. is well.. quite a lot bluer..
10 June 2020, 22:10

Yeah thats the callout.. but whats got me questioning.. is well look at the pic of the real one.. I know lighting can play a part.. but that looks a lot bluer.
10 June 2020, 22:20

Yeah 158979 is the one I am doing. The decals match the colours they have called out.. but I don't think they are right going on what the pics show. Also the tail banners are to my eye too dark and yes I think too "Greenish" about sums them up.
10 June 2020, 22:31

Day off, so spent a few hours messing with paints.. and looking at pictures of the scheme and the F-4 scheme (Same colours) and then made a decision. Paint it to force the lighting colour effect. And I found a grey that does it seemingly wonderfully. As can be seen, the blue effect on it matches much better.
11 June 2020, 09:37

Thanks Roland.. Good ole Airfix M11... bloody things older than I am! lol
11 June 2020, 10:00

I will be watching - plan to build the same bird (158979) one day ...
11 June 2020, 10:00

Thanks Clifford, took about 5 hours and some scrap plastic.. but I feel a lot better now 🙂
11 June 2020, 19:19

You go Lady, whip that thing into shape. LOL. I will get some work done on mine today.
12 June 2020, 14:45

Hehe thanks Clifford, mines coming on.. soon piccies of her in paint!
12 June 2020, 15:25

Augie is great at 'giving the brush off" to those who always comment on the fact that a hairy stick is her skill. 😉 👍
And I am the first to admit that even my air brushing skills don't come any where near the finish and quality of Augie's hairy stick work. 😉
12 June 2020, 17:54

BTW.. how do people handle masking lines? that little bloody paint ridge that you get from masking
12 June 2020, 18:03

So quick progress report.. colours going on.. lots left to do, lots of making up etc... but she's starting to look like a badass
12 June 2020, 20:26

absolutely! Tomcat+Wolfpack+Ferris= max😎
Colors look great! I try to avoid the ridges by removing the tape as early as possible, so it dries without the edge. Not always possible of course...
12 June 2020, 20:34

Lol Chaz, I'd argue that one.. might be smaller, but its there.
Daniel, thanks m8, colours I'm really happy with.. I've basically had to throw away the callouts and go with that works to the eye.. when they on screen its even better so, am very happy with them
12 June 2020, 20:46

All relevant classic painting artwork was done with a brush...😉
Regarding the lines, I had some in my Aggro-Hornet & going over them with a *000 grade sanding mat or cloth, without any pressure did it in most cases without further complain...
12 June 2020, 21:12

hehe on micro grade paper to get rid of the ridge.. noted..
As for the colours.. thanks guyes.. I have to admit, there is something about the blue that I just melt for with the cat..
Christ knows what I will do with the F-14D.. perhaps the cammo one from VF-74 Be-devlers..
12 June 2020, 21:36

Don't let the paint dry before you remove the masking material, as a 'ridge' has time to form and becomes a pain in the patoot to remove or reduce. 🙁
If possible, and where applicable, remove the masking while the paint is wet, as this lets the paint 'lay down' leaving behind a 'soft' edge.
And always peel the mask off towards the paint job, as this will prevent any 'feathers' from falling on the surfaces you masked off in the first place. 👍
12 June 2020, 21:51

Yep, removing the masking tape ASAP tends to help with that. As Slavo said, hitting it lightly with uber fine grit sand paper will help as well.
12 June 2020, 22:14

I've never got on with masking for brush painting, the paint is too wet due to the longer open time, and gets sucked under the tape. I also have found that matt paint builds much less ridge than gloss.
12 June 2020, 23:14

Coming along nicely Augie. I ordered the Ferris decal set last night, Furball I think it was, has a boayload of aircraft, including the one you are doing.
12 June 2020, 23:23

Thanks chaz 🙂 I've got away around it.. and before you say it.. no, it does not involve moving to using airbrush😉
12 June 2020, 23:23

Never brush against the masking tape, always over it in the other direction and as stated before remove it ASAP.
13 June 2020, 11:11

If Augie started to airbrush I would start to look for signs of an impending drastic end of the world, some killer meteor or something worse...
13 June 2020, 13:10

We all love your work and skills Augie, as it makes us all question just how good we really are with our AB's. !
Inspirational I do believe it is called. 😉 👍
13 June 2020, 20:29

I always thought you lived in a round house Augie. 😉 The type that has no 'corners'. hehehehehe 🙂 👍
14 June 2020, 01:15

Sigh.. that moment.. that moment you realise, that you missed something.. that moment you realise you were so busy making sure the colours were right, that you missed noticing that the diagrams dont actually match up..
I think sleep then I will work out what and how.. moral of the story.. never take anything for certain.. trust.. but verify.
14 June 2020, 01:22

There is a 'moral' here some where Augie. 😉
Yes mate, never take anything for granted as that's when you feel teeth biting your ass. 👍 🙂
OR, Measure twice and cut once. 🙂
14 June 2020, 01:37

Indeed Kezza, So I've uploaded a copy of the diagram, with the problem area highlighted.
A) So it has the blue tapering back towards the starboard intake, however on the starboard side diagram, its doesnt show.. which is correct (as seen on the real one)
B) Same issue the lines dont match the side profile..
14 June 2020, 08:33

Thanks Augie for pointing this out - I have the same sheet and would have fallen into the same trap.
Good luck with fixing this and I hope the decal (stars and bars) will match - both in colour and geometry.
14 June 2020, 09:02

Hi Thomas, The colours are going to be a little off, compared to decals but not bad.. Should actually work.
Hi Roland, If you look at the underside diagram, then try to make that match the Starboard (Right) side.. they dont match at the front for the 35237 or the nose 35164 (the bits I put in the red outline)
14 June 2020, 09:40

Hi Roland, I know which is which on the colours, thats fairly obvious. I've done a quick copy and paste of the underside to orientate it with the starboard side.. perhaps now its a little easier to see what I mean.. The 35164 on the underside goes to far back as you can see from the red line, and then under the wing and intake, the 35237 section is wrong and does not match the side profile as shown by the second red line.. 🙂
14 June 2020, 11:47

Thanks Clifford, seems this one isnt going to be the unicorn this time around
15 June 2020, 20:05

I'm glad to hear that. Still not so sure about mine. LOL. It almost kissed the wall a couple of time Saturday. I took a break from it yesterday and today. Will see if I can get it going again tomorrow, and get the fuselage primed. Everything else is primed. I kind of messed up some re-scribing on the nose. I think I got it sorted out though, we'll see.
15 June 2020, 20:12

Well done Augie. 👍
Looking the ducks nuts my friend.
Looking forward to the decals and all that bling. ! 😉
19 June 2020, 00:23

Hehe thanks guys..
Exhausts are on, decals next tho waiting on some masks for some markings😉
Clifford, keep going buddy, there's only so much white it'll drink 🙂
19 June 2020, 08:30

Looking lovely mate! I've started one of my own now. But it's a kit that's in bad condition after being shuffled along in the box with unprotected sprues. I've also done some mistakes along the way, mainly in the cockpit, don't cut plastic and play with PE when you instead should be in bed sleeping. But I'm continuing the build anyway but treat it more like a test build. One thing that surprised me though was the flash as I've never seen a Hasegawa kit with flash before and this one have flash in excess...
19 June 2020, 09:22

Thanks Urban 🙂 Will look in on yours, I think we're all guilty of sleep modelling at time
19 June 2020, 10:44

Lovely nozzles & interiors, cool weathering & choice of colors - looks more like the Aires exhausts, I guess that are not the HB original parts?
19 June 2020, 19:09

Hi Slavo,
Correct,they are the Aires ones 🙂 the kit ones were junk.
Now to just sort the details.. and the dreaded gear doors. oh and decals lol
19 June 2020, 19:37

She's really coming along Augie, didn't know VF-1 had this camo scheme.👍
20 June 2020, 15:47

Hi Michael, neither did I till I found the examples... love it tho
20 June 2020, 23:02

So, had a bit of a problem. Looks like my Airfix M11, I was using has gone funny.. sadly I didnt find out till after touching up all the areas on her.. and this morning found she's covered in the marks as can be seen in the lastest pic
So need to have a bit of a think.. Work out best way of dealing with it.
21 June 2020, 11:27

Pardon my ignorance: what is an Airfix M11?
Looks like the first coat was not completely dry or the paint not enough stirred?
21 June 2020, 12:03

Are you going to add another layer of paint, re. photo 33? Seems like a good opportunity to also add a little bit of putty for the seam for the front clear part, which is well away from the shiny bits anyway.
21 June 2020, 12:11

If it was an alcohol or solvent based paint, I'd say that looks like a humidity and temperature issue. I've seen that too many times spray painting real cars on a cold or damp day. All is not lost on a matt finish though, a light wet flat to even out the finish and a thin coat of matt varnish should improve it somewhat.
21 June 2020, 12:19

Sergej, Its not weathering, in reality these birds were not that weathered as it was experimental scheme.
Thomas, Airfix M11 is a paint, an old paint. original paint was well dry before this coat went on. Problem is the paint has re-acted with the thinner I was using.
Treehugger, I'm likely to be stripping the blue off and re-painting, once I can find the colour match..
Chaz, Solvent based paint, temps around 15 deg centigrade so nothing out of the ordinary. tried a flat coat on it. and it didnt work so something odd happened.
21 June 2020, 12:40

Thanks guys, its a pain but not insurmountable..
Once I find a match for the color.. as HU 96 as all the conversion charts give.. is wayyy out
21 June 2020, 13:15

Thanks Mirko, those are not what I am looking for. I'm trying to capture the colours as portrayed in the picture, so the grey I need will be more blue spectrum.
21 June 2020, 13:36

Maybe this can be helpful for orientation:
21 June 2020, 13:43

Augie. A strip down, as best you can do it, of the paint you have had go arse up on you. !
Can it be done without too much impact on the surrounding paint job. ? Maybe, masking off and removing what is exposed. ?? !! :-/
I always smell my paints before I use them if I know they have some age to them, and if it smells sour, I toss it. But I usually don't let paints 'gather dust' if you get my drift. 😉
Sorry about the set back champ. 👍
21 June 2020, 19:48

Lol its ok kez, once the paint arrives, should be ok..
Oddly, its a paint that was working fine, I just thinned it too much and it reacted with the thinner. so my fault really.. killing a 45yr old pot of paint!
So once the paint arives, it will be a bit of clean down of the blue, and re-apply the new one... started playing with a tornado kit in the meantime lol
21 June 2020, 19:58

So.. I cleared off the now ruined blue.. and decided for shits and giggles to give it a try with HU96.. which according to all conversion charts.. is the humbrol equivalent of M11..
Dunno about you, but looks different to me.
21 June 2020, 22:01

It maybe lacks some blue hue, but it is still a very close approximation.
To put it like that.. if you didn't tell, I wouldn't have known. 👍
22 June 2020, 05:47

Yeah, it IS very close. I dont know about in person, but from the pics it doesnt look terribly different.
22 June 2020, 10:18

Wow ok, that caught me off guard 🙂 So, too picture of it.. against my aggressor F-5 which used the same m11.
96, is a lot more in the grey hues over m11
22 June 2020, 10:28

I dunno....looks like a completely different color to my eye...rods and dots maybe?
22 June 2020, 15:13

Yeah that new comparison, makes it a lot more obvious than the others.. hence why when I tried it, i had to double take at the difference.
22 June 2020, 15:45

Hi Clifford, I will.. I;ll just have to live without the bright blue nose.. 🙂
22 June 2020, 17:25

My observation was done based on comparing pic 33 with 35.
#36 does show a clear difference, more so with gloss varnish applied which makes colours even more vibrant.
22 June 2020, 19:29

🙂 its ok, thats why I took the picture 🙂 I just find it amusing that comparison charts say thats a match lol
22 June 2020, 22:27

OK, now THERE I can easily see the difference. Looks like you need to mix some blue in.
23 June 2020, 00:02

Yeah, I thought about it.. then I have to say the alternate has grown on me.. so will leave as is. 🙂
23 June 2020, 00:44

Comparison charts are not so much a list of Matches as a list of Equivalents, they assume that you will do the whole job in Brand B because that's your chosen Brand, and the kit you have calls out only Brand A's paints. Different Full scale manufacturers versions of BS, FS & RAL paints are not perfect matches either. Matt paint is really difficult to do colour matching because it starts to change colour as soon as it's out in the weather, and its colour at any given time is a product of its service life. Matching paint to a matt sample really needs the sample to be coated in gloss clear, then you have a shot at matching the wet paint in the tin by comparing the shade on the mixing stick.
23 June 2020, 06:58

indeed chaz 🙂 as I said, just amused me somewhat given the tone and hue differences.
anyway, she's drying today before a gloss coat so I can then start decals.
23 June 2020, 08:31

I personally do not make too much of a fuss about the actual color coding & co - I will use the correct color whenever possible as a base of course, but after that, it´s more about how the whole composition works, scale-appearance being a big topic, but also the actual size of areas in a particular color on the model & the overall harmony with the rest etc... So if your eye likes it & it works in relation with your sources & imagined result, things are all fine IMHO... 🙂
23 June 2020, 09:06

Colour variance between different parts or vehicles would actually be the "Realistic" option. I remember the line up of vehicles at the MT section during my time in the forces. quite the visible assortment of shades of NATO Olive Drab. The Flight Line at RAF Lyneham was exactly the same, you could tell which aircraft had recently had a Major Service from the paint shade and consistency from panel to panel
23 June 2020, 09:20

She's a He as it's a Tomcat. Pretty much all other birds is a She though...
23 June 2020, 17:45

Lol good one urb 🙂
Insignia's will be masked once they arrive.. Will let me control the inversion effect of the insignia against background colour.. and yes. I must be mad to try that with a brush.. will be fun.
Once they are done the rest will go on.
23 June 2020, 18:35

No need to prove it mate, we already know that you're stark ravin' mad...
23 June 2020, 19:01

Cool! How do you keep the 'bars' in the 'Stars 'n Bars' aligned? Do the masks provide a negative to line up against or is it the good oll' Eyeball Mk.1?
9 July 2020, 18:50

Hi Patrick, these are older plasticy ones from eduard so its a bit of both 🙂 fingers crossed tho
9 July 2020, 20:03

I'll keep mine crossed also. But it sure looking good to me. Glad to see you back at it.
10 July 2020, 00:29

Hehe me too, the tonka has come on well, but the unicorn I want to get done so I can actually have one done!
10 July 2020, 00:35

I hear you. I think mine has turned into my unicorn. It's always been 1 step forward, 2 steps back with this one. I finally got the right wing back in today, after breaking it and having to re-paint the whole wing. Luckly I had a spare set of decals. Hopefully I can start weathering tomorrow. I'll probally screw that up to. LOL.
10 July 2020, 02:25

fingers crossed m8, hope it goes ok.. the stencils are not great.. going to get some masking tape and transfer it over to get a good adhesion
10 July 2020, 08:50

I've missed your updates mate but I've not done anything on my F-14 as well since I posted up my album...
10 July 2020, 16:40

brushing over masks never really worked for me, but you wield your magic brush and it works🙂 getting close to the unicorn finish line as well it seems 👍
13 July 2020, 22:54

Thanks Daniel, yeah its working so far.. amazingly 🙂 this unicorn might actually make it
13 July 2020, 23:09

Looking great Augie, your hairy stick work continues to amaze me.
14 July 2020, 03:28

Thanks Clifford 🙂 She's not a bad looker, end stretch definitely on now 🙂 Wont say it, but perhaps I have broken the unicorn curse 😄
14 July 2020, 23:00

Augie. You never cease to impress me with your absolute mastery of the simple brush. 👍
Many of us wish we could achieve the same result with our air brushes. 🙂
Congratulations on yet an other show stopper.
15 July 2020, 03:02

Looking good and the insignia on the front is really a feat! 👍 Wouldn't believe it's (brush!) painted...
15 July 2020, 07:23

Kezza, slavo 🙂 thanks guys just takes patience.. and maybe a bit of experience lol
Roland, thanks m8, I will be so glad to break the unicorn curse.
15 July 2020, 09:32

Very nice work Augie! It is cool to see you do a Tomcat, and a particularly awesome scheme to boot! I think I want to try this scheme some day too. Well done!
15 July 2020, 14:41

Looks like you broke the Unicorn cure, Well done Augie, she looks great.
15 July 2020, 16:14

🙂 Thanks guys
She needs a few days to dry before i go further so with the tonka fighter.
15 July 2020, 16:45

Yea I saw the Tonka lurking in the background, another stealth build. LOL.
16 July 2020, 21:55

This one turned out very nice Augie. Well done. Love the color scheme.
29 November 2020, 01:00

One thing that using a hairy stick does, is that I have never seen any 'silvering' on any of your builds, and especially this grey beast.
I tips me lid Augie. 👍 A credit to your patience and dedication. 👍
30 November 2020, 17:52

Hi Roland.. first ever finished cat out of about 10 attempts over the years.. my unicorn kit done!
1 December 2020, 20:03
Project info

Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020
1. Maj fram tills 31. December 2020
1. Maj fram tills 31. December 2020