7 28 August 2020, 14:20

Nice to see you all following👍. Got a little further with cockpit installation and closing the fuselage.
7 September 2020, 12:16

Thanks guys.
Little update today, finished the wings and also nearly done with the fuselage. Next to this i tried to improve the Air-2 Genies from the kit.
18 September 2020, 14:31

Right, these were nuclear Air-to-Air-Missiles, they should destroy a whole bombe group at once. I´m glad this never happened.
18 September 2020, 16:12

maybe useful picture of a genie missile: ipernity.com/gp/bro/14188/aabbabd7
19 September 2020, 21:00

Thanks for the pic, shape looks a bit different to most other Genie pictures. I went mostley after this phot from Air Defence Museum in Bagotville. [img1]
19 September 2020, 21:07

I guess the fin extensions were only deployed after launch. I have never seen these on any Genie model missiles.
19 September 2020, 21:12

You´re right Clifford, I should sand them down a bit more.
20 September 2020, 07:36

@Ben, glad it was only tested and never need to be used.
20 September 2020, 07:37

Hi Daniel: In previous life I was a Weapons Technician in the CAF. I was with 409 SQN in the 1980s.
I had hands experience with both the AIM-4D and the AIR-2A. I was "C" man which means I "drove" the AIR-2A on its trailer. Combined rocket and trailer weight was a 1,000 LBs. With the B man we loaded the AIM-4D by hand.
Note this kit has the AIM-4G missile. We used AIM-4Ds. Hannants has two nice after market two AIM-4D options.
Mike Belcher has a nice CF-101 decal sheet. Feel free to finish your kit as a 409 SQN aircraft. 🙂
Thanks for building a Canadian Voodoo.
20 September 2020, 10:23

Hi Carl.
Nice to get input from the first hand. I will not pay any attention on the Falcon, I´ll only use the Genies and clue the movable parts from the weapon bay in place.
I allready have the sheet from Belcher Bits here, ordered directly from him, great service and very fast shipping to Austria.
Greetings to Canada, I hope you stay tuned.
20 September 2020, 11:20

Hi Daniel:
Mike is awesome. I have lots of his sheets. I will be watching your build.
Here is a photo of an AIR-2A on the trailer. I'm not in the photo but some of armorers I worked with are.
20 September 2020, 13:35

One other item detail. There are two wires which hold the fins in. The rocket will quickly burn through them and the fins extend.
This the best photo I can find showing the wires. Can be made from heated sprue.
20 September 2020, 15:56

Thanks for the pics Carl, I think I will da these wires.👍
20 September 2020, 16:41

Carl, in that photo the armourers are getting pretty close to the undercarraige door. "Dink!" Typical flippin' Plumbers, making more work for the Riggers! 🙂
4 September 2021, 22:07

Thanks guys, nearly a year, I think I should keep on working on the Voodoo...
6 September 2021, 18:01