Build log: 1/100 MG Freedom Gundam "1.75"
September 6, 2020The Freedom 2.0 kit. It has pretty much everything except the blue parts of the wings, along with the V-fin.2
September 6, 2020Torso assembled, this kit is very different from the Freedom 1.0 which is also assembled.3
September 6, 2020Upper torso assembled, you can see the additional detail of the newer kit.4
September 6, 2020Leg assembled. Unlike the original MG Freedom this does not have the splitting knee gimmick.5
September 6, 2020Most of the body assembled.6
September 6, 2020For the wings, I used two adapters that I 3D printed. First adapter joins the wings to the backpack, the second one allows me to use the Freedom 2.0 cannons on this kit.7
September 6, 2020So now for v-fin, I was considering multiple ways, first I made one with pla plate but it bends too easily at the ends.8
September 6, 2020I printed an adapter to use the 1.0 head on the 2.0 but I don't think it looks quite right so I went back to drawing board.9
September 6, 2020Used 3D printing to print out a v-fin I designed.10
September 6, 2020Compared to the pla-plate version, the V-fin is much stiffer, end points don't seem to blunt too badly.11
September 6, 2020Tried first prototype and mounted it on the head.12
September 6, 2020Adjusted the first prototype and added cuts to allow for the vertical portions to fit in.13
September 6, 2020Final v-fin design, I settled with this after 4 prototypes.14
September 6, 2020Compared to the old head, the newer head is more aggressive looking, which fits the aggressive design of Freedom 2.0.15
September 6, 2020Final v-fin design attached to body.16
September 6, 2020Primed to check layer lines and get rid of as much of it as possible.17
September 6, 2020Pla plate added at red sensor for better fit.18
September 6, 2020Cleaned up everything the best I can.19
September 6, 2020Preparing white parts for painting.20
September 6, 2020White parts primed and painted.21
September 6, 2020Testing color separation for white areas.22
September 6, 2020Using white primer to prime red parts for brighter finish.23
September 6, 2020Reds are a lot brighter with the use of white primer.24
September 6, 2020Shoulders almost done.25
September 6, 2020Head test fit.26
September 6, 2020Checking arm color separation.27
September 6, 2020Panel lining. Used grey for white areas, black for the darker areas.28
September 6, 2020Hips done.29
September 6, 2020Arms done.30
September 6, 2020Shoulders done with decals.31
September 6, 2020Upper torso done.32
September 6, 2020Testing out new light booth for shoots.33
September 6, 2020Feet done as well.34
September 6, 2020Attached the legs without the outer armor.35
September 6, 2020Body completed.36
September 6, 2020Railguns added.37
September 6, 2020Used two color seperation for wing areas.38
September 6, 2020Completed work. Dark areas are two toned: Midnight Blue and Black, while blue areas are two tone, with the use of Phytocyanate Blue and Cobalt Blue39
September 6, 2020With wings spread.40
September 6, 2020Front view.41
September 6, 2020Back view.42
September 6, 2020Close up view.43
September 6, 2020Wings spread.
5 6 September 2020, 16:06
Album info
Used 3D printing and wings from the older kit to combine into one complete product.