F.M.A. IA 58A Pucara

Diego, the paints I found matched best when doing a test were Vallejo's 71.302 Sky Type S for the Green and 71.027 Light Brown .. I've added a photo of the bottles and model close up 🙂

Neuling .. thank you! More pictures added. The canopy fit was poor and I was going to remove cut and have it open to hide the poor fit .. the mini saw purchased for this arrived today, so I may have a go at it over the weekend if I have time and inclination😉

Diego, just found a way of adding paints used to the project .. so have done this too.

You just have to admire everyone finishing this kit! But if it's done so nicely - hats off!

Thanks Mirko. It did turn into a labour of love. Every piece cut from the sprue was an adventure! 🙂

thanks Jonathan, great work and nice pics. Wonder where the hangar came from … 🙂
Album info
My scale model of the Pucará is intended to portray aircraft A-522 flown by the Argentinean Air Force Grupo 3 de Ataque, delivered to the islands around 15th May 1982 to replace aircraft lost earlier in the conflict. Based at Port Stanley airfield for the remainder of the war, the aircraft's operations are unknown due to the frequent un-serviceability and cannibalisation of airframes, with no more than two or three aircraft being airworthy at one time.
After the surrender, A-522 was found at Port Stanley airport in a relatively undamaged state. It was airlifted by Chinook onto the Contender Bezant in Port William and brought to the Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton, Somerset. It can now be seen on display at the North East Land, Sea & Air Museums (NELSAM), Sunderland, Tyne & Wear.