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Torsten (TWN)

Baby Groot in suit


14 6 February 2021, 16:33
Torsten Författare
First steps are done, start with the head
 6 February 2021, 16:37
 6 February 2021, 21:16
Torsten Författare
Next steps are done, but it's not finished yet, a lot of experiments with color will be required
 7 February 2021, 12:53
Torsten Författare
After a break of four weeks, because it got some problems with my fingers and can't work, I finished the head today. The first steps at the suit are done, a lot sanding and scribing, the arms glued to the sides, some gaps are waiting for filling. After this I will paint the suit. Hope this will be soon. First test fit to get an impression of the whole figure. THX for watching!
 7 March 2021, 15:47
Cabeza Plástico
Very interesting project
 7 March 2021, 16:00
Torsten Författare
Thank You 🙂
 7 March 2021, 16:31
Konrad -
I'm groot, I'm groot, I'm groot. Translation:
Very nice painting on the head👍! 😉
 7 March 2021, 18:01
Torsten Författare
Thank You Konrad 🙂
 7 March 2021, 18:40
Das wird gut!
 7 March 2021, 20:28
Torsten Författare
Danke Acki 🙂
 8 March 2021, 03:26
Torsten Författare
THX for the like 🙂
 13 March 2021, 11:51
Torsten Författare
Next step, putty and engraving
 13 March 2021, 13:00
Nathan Dempsey
Cool figure Torsten. 🙂
 13 March 2021, 18:53
Nice job filling those gaps. I like the Perfect Plastic Putty too 👍
 13 March 2021, 20:39
Jay Dubya
I have no idea how difficult they were to do, but you nailed the 'wateriness' of his eyes. Well done on that bit of detail!
 14 March 2021, 00:24
Villiers de Vos
The wood grain painting is very realistic.
 14 March 2021, 03:49
Torsten Författare
@JD: The putty is one of the best I know, the handling with water ist very helpfull

@Jay: Thank You 🙂 I add at last gloss varnish

@Villiers: Thank You 🙂
 14 March 2021, 08:38
Torsten Författare
THX for the like Frantisek 🙂
 21 June 2021, 05:48
Torsten Författare
THX for the like Jonn 🙂
 21 June 2021, 13:57

Project info

17 bilder
1:1 Baby Groot Figur (Suit) (Brainstorm Creativ Arts )

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