Injections first
50 11 March 2021, 23:46

welcome 🙂 plenty of seats, this one only has two lol.. they are ok. just need some extra detailing.
12 March 2021, 23:23

Thanks Don, yeah two of the same aircraft, first up is bobcats offering.. then I'll be trying NpH's resin monster.
13 March 2021, 23:08

Start not bad .if I'm interested in albums I collected this model can something you need
14 March 2021, 14:29

Quick little update as to where this monster is.. have a strange little idea for a Whif with it.. drone carrier?
20 October 2021, 19:47

Watching, of course, with pleasure. We used to have one real Ił-28 on display for some time, so if you would need any reference photos, I can go through my archives, Augie 😉
20 October 2021, 21:00

Thanks Robert, Hold off on the reference.
I'm semi tempted to put this one in Chinese markings with drones under the wings so will be wify
20 October 2021, 22:17

The DPRK has apparently mounted SS-N-2 Styx anti-shipping missiles on IL-28's. Those are big missiles. I always liked the trainer version of it, I don't think there's a kit of it but you could make it out of two IL-28 kits… hmm. It's a great subject because it's a communist tube and also it has served in so many air forces there's a zillion making options.
21 October 2021, 01:49

Thanks Guys 🙂
Ben:- Wouldn't surprise me, I'm thinking currently fit a pair of Firebee II drones under it.. as the Chinese did make unlicensed copies of the drone.
21 October 2021, 08:12

ohhh Ok... I'm thinking like normal drone carrrier, having one slung under each wing.
22 October 2021, 07:50

An idea, but I have got spare firebee drones, so going to have it as the drone director..
22 October 2021, 18:33

So.. its not a bad kit, fit is fairly decent. little challenging in places.. But, its getting its first paint, or in this case, red paint and then wax guilt for the NMF
24 October 2021, 12:27

You've mastered natural metal finishes perfectly, Augie. Also with no use of airbrush, am I right? It is absolutely impressive!
24 October 2021, 15:00

Thanks Robert 🙂 Its all brushed but I do cheat a little with the metal as its not paint as such its wax gilt.. think like AK true metal
24 October 2021, 15:06

Apparently it works perfectly - I think I shoud try this stuff some day. As far as I heard it needs to be rubbed on the black matte primer (?)
24 October 2021, 15:18

I had heard the same, but I just go into bare plastic with it. Works just as well I find and does not loose minor detail as much.
24 October 2021, 15:22

I really admire the results that you achieve with your natural metal finishes 👍
24 October 2021, 15:38

Thank you very much for this explanation, Augie. I will give it a try for sure.
24 October 2021, 17:02

NMF is brushed??? This looks Phantastic!!! Did you brushed the red areas to Augie?
24 October 2021, 17:14

lol thanks guys, yes Bernhard it is all brush painted. I've always detested the whole "Airbrush is better" that I kept hearing, so stuck with brushes and learned how to master them.
24 October 2021, 17:35

She is a total brush snob. Refuses to see the error of her ways and come over to airbrushes. 😉
Looking smashing as always. 🙂
24 October 2021, 18:33

Lol thanks don 🙂 your right I am a snob hehe I like the challenge
24 October 2021, 18:49

So two more in progress pics, she's now on her feet and I'm heading into decals and mating the pylons ready for drones..
27 October 2021, 09:04

So today was the test mating of drones to mother.. perfect..
Now can look at decals.
28 October 2021, 23:02

🙂 Thanks James, will get some more pics today of her, decals are on and drones are mounted.. its an interesting look. came out look better than I expected tbh
30 October 2021, 15:11

Seems the carpet monster stuck and I've lost the windshield!! so things going to be slowed up while I try to find it or make replacement..
decals are on, just needs sealing and weathering
31 October 2021, 00:45

And More pics of where its at so far, just weathering.. maybe.. and a dull coat I think, then its done.
2 November 2021, 22:17

Looks perfect, Augie! And you are the master of brush painting, definitely. Chapeau bas!
3 November 2021, 07:36

brush painting metal colors I find a particular challenge. Here it is perfectly done. I like this Marvel Comic like project. Those russians have a knack for that. Maybe to highlight some panels to make it look less toylike. If you find the time I would really appreciate if you could leave a word about your brushing techniques.
3 November 2021, 07:42

Lookin' great, Augie! The red and the metal are a real nice combination. 👍
3 November 2021, 11:48

Thanks Guys 🙂
Michael, weathering is planned, at least a wash over it.
3 November 2021, 12:08

Really nice finish Augie and glad you were able to locate the missing canopy 👍
28 November 2021, 23:27

Beautiful NMF in combination with that vibrant red ! Very realistic metal effect 👍
29 November 2021, 10:13

Turned out flipping awesome! Great execution on a cool idea.
29 November 2021, 20:22

🙂 Thanks Roland, it came out better than I expected.. good kit too
17 December 2021, 13:51