MiG-21 MF 211Sqn Czech Air Force 1998
40 20 March 2021, 18:40

Meep. Here to see the improbable splinter camo. And I like communist tubes.
22 March 2021, 00:23

Oh wow... the whole plane is one full decal? This will be interesting, looking forward 👍
24 March 2021, 11:55

Mr. Kapesnicek. I used to have a big poster of it when I was a kid. And saw it on an airshow once. Good luck on the masking haha.
24 March 2021, 12:00

Within easy reach of the beer fridge right? I will be your beer assistant😉
27 March 2021, 19:17

lol usual seat m'amigo.. and you know me.. if its odd then I'll generally have a go
1 April 2021, 00:14

So trying to find a base coat that works.. having a nightmare with paint at the moment.. 🙁
10 April 2021, 17:55

Hope you sort out the paint issues... the fuselage has taken shape nicely 👍
10 April 2021, 18:11

Glad you found a formula that will work. It sure is nice to have a forum where you can ask questions, and get the answers you need, or that help.
11 April 2021, 01:45

Soo.. after 3 attempts resulting in a stripping.. a re-engraving to clear filled panel lines.. and then some how a perfect night with new thinners that just worked..
Base coat is done.
21 April 2021, 17:30

This one I like too follow too! How much beer is in that fridge? 😉
21 April 2021, 18:13

Thanks James.. its been a total pain in arse lol... but think its due to my thinnners... new thinners seems to of sorted it thankfully.
Patrick, Nathan, thanks guys.. now to get bits on ready to decal!
21 April 2021, 18:25

I've been admiring picture 9 for a while now and have to take in for a moment that Augie only ever brush paints: extremely smooth surface Augie! 👍
22 April 2021, 14:05

Thanks Patrick, thats why it took 3 attempts to get to that finish lol. I must be cracked
22 April 2021, 14:54

Nobody and I mean nobody yields a meaner "hairy stick" than Augie. I don't know how she does it.
23 April 2021, 00:15

Well, its been a while with this one.. and here is the progress.. I've had to order a second decal set after fubaring one side of the rudder.
Needs to be left to dry a while now, before I start on the fuselage.
It has just struck me however, why on earth has no one done this for the sweedish fields and meadows scheme???????
6 May 2021, 18:41

That's a striking looking scheme and will look even more impressive once finished 👍
6 May 2021, 18:48

Looking great mate, it'll be fun when it's my turn to try it but in 1:72...
6 May 2021, 19:02

I would love to have decals for swedish disruptive camo - only then I would have a Viggen (and maybe Strvg.103) on my shelf...
6 May 2021, 19:15

Mhhm thanks guys and yes Urb, thats on my todo list.. god help me.
6 May 2021, 19:57

So quick update as to where decals are.. some touch-ups will be needed but all in all, going ok.
Syhart's decals really snuggle down hard with softener, but they are thin.. I mean really thin, where I have already done a repair, you cant even see that there is a bit of decal over it..
8 May 2021, 13:00

So All the biggies are on now, just the starboard rudder to do when the replacement arrives
its very striking I have to admit
16 May 2021, 19:24

Thanks Roland 🙂 Yeah Just need to get to work on the rest now 🙂 without getting distracted on the other mig or a panzer... or computer games lol
16 May 2021, 19:30

Missed this one up until now. Thats a LOT of decal work there. Awesome!
17 May 2021, 00:05

The camo looks good, Augie. 👍
It feels like placement of the decals must be absolutely perfect so that they fit with the one for the aircraft number.
17 May 2021, 18:08

Thanks Glint, yeah they have to be very close plus I think they were sized for Acadamy's Mig... eduards is a smidge smaller.
17 May 2021, 18:56

🙂 Thanks Clifford, I might take a break from the monster to finish it over the weekend.
27 August 2021, 00:28

Very cool paint scheme on one of my favorite aircraft. The Czech Air Force frequently paints their aircraft in interesting ways.
27 August 2021, 17:09

Looking great, your decal work (as well as your modelling) is excellent. 👍
27 August 2021, 17:47

Thanks John, its a really cool eye catching scheme.
Guy, thank you 🙂 Plenty of practice.
27 August 2021, 18:18
Project info

Scalemates Mig-21 Group Build 2021
15. Mars fram tills 31. December 2021
15. Mars fram tills 31. December 2021